
Thursday 12 June 2014

The Daily Teaser — 12-6-2014: The Peasants Revolt

Right, that’s something … !

Remember that I  — effectively — was kicked off a Work Placement place, on Tuesday … ?

NOT nice, I can tell you.

And basically down to bad references.

No, not quite: unsatisfactory references.

Slight difference!

But, at any rate … ?

At ANY rate, I have managed to update my references: adding a couple of favourable — or balanced, at least — personal references.   I’m also chasing up the administrators for one former employer, to see what I can see: and will have to chase up another, today.

Granted, I may have had a setback: but can have picked up something positive, because of it.

With that said … ?

Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How Tolicense and video … 

Q1) 12th June saw the Peasant’s Revolt reach Blackheath.   In which year was the Peasant’s Revolt … ?
Q2) Under the rule of which English King … ?
Q3) Blackheath is now — predominantly — in which London borough: Lewisham, Greenwich or Camden … ?
Q4) The revolt famously started in Fobbing: and which other Essex town … ?
Q5) The Revolt started when peasants rebelled against the collection of what: a land tax, a window tax or a poll tax … ?
Q6) One contributing factor in the Revolt was a labour shortage caused — roughly thirty years earlier — by which disease: HIV/AIDS, leprosy or the Black Death … ?
Q7) What was the name of the Lollard preacher famously involved with the Revolt … ?
Q8) Which of the Revolt’s leader’s led insurgents from a church in Great Baddow … ?
Q9) The Blackheath meeting saw the Essex contingent of the Revolt met by the Kentish contingent: who led the Kentish contingent … ?
Q10) And finally … The Peasant’s Revolt’s climax was in which London area: Smithfield, Spitalfields or Saint John’s Wood … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 11th June, 1937, saw a trial start of eight Soviet military officers: during what later became known as the Great … what … ?
A1) Purge.
Q2) 11th June, 1971, saw the US government remove the last Native American protestors: from which Island?
A2) Alcatraz.
Q3) 11th June, 1776, saw the birth of the man who painted The Haywain.   Who was he … ?
Q4) Many years later, 11th June, 1910, saw the birth of diver, explorer and former Naval officer, Jacques Cousteau.   Which piece of diving equipment is he famed for inventing … ?
A4) The aqualung.
Q5) Finally … 11th June, 1987, saw Britain’s first black MPs elected to the House of Commons: name any of the three MPs.
I’ll leave you with this video … 

And with this thought …
“In 1970, the historian R B Dobson described the revolt as ‘unnecessary’ and its effect as ‘negligible’.”
From the BBC Bitesize page about the Revolt.
Have a good day.

*        What can I tell you, Debbi?   But at least the references are something I can act on.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that. Nice video! :)

    1. 1381
    2. Richard II
    3. Lewisham
    4. Brentwood
    5. a poll tax
    6. the Black Death
    7. John Ball
    8. Wat Taylor
    9. William Walworth
    10. Smithfield


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