
Sunday 20 July 2014

Sightseers … Ben Wheatley’s other Film … 

19th July, 2014.

You know, there’s times when a boy has to rely on the kindness of friends.

Even if they’re not actually present, in the room.

You’ve possibly worked out I’m a film fan, haven’t you … ?

And one who — at the moment — is a little on the skint side.

Literally skint: I think I’ve got about £1·50 to my name.

Nowhere near enough to buy my usual £15 iTunes card I]d usually get, every so often, to buy an iTunes card.

Which is how I usually rent movies.

Saying that … ?

SAYING that, a few of my friends are usually kind enough to let me rip their DVD collection.

I get a digital copy of a film my friends think I may like.   They get their film backed up: AND ready to watch in a digital form.

Saying that … ?

Well, saying that, I am blowed if I can remember quite who I borrowed Ben Wheatley’s Sightseers from.

More on that in the morning, I think …


20th July, 2014.

Yeah …

That’s a night’s sleep that didn’t answer THAT question.

I still can’t think who I borrowed Sightseers.

But I think I owe them a thank you.

Because it’s let me catch something I’ve been wanting to see for a while.



Sightseers sees Chris (Steve Oram) and Tina (Alice Lowe) packing to head off for a road trip: after Tina’s relationship with goes downhill, after the death of the family dog.

Things get nasty: when Chris runs over a man who’s left an empty ice-cream wrapper on a tram.

Things only go downhill from there: when the pair beat another couple to a rather choice caravan parking spot.

Which leaves something of a bad taste in Chris’ mouth.

Enough for him to get rather over-excitable.

And the holiday very wrong …


Now …

Is Sightseers any good … ?

I have to admit, the jury’s had a long chat about this one.   And — at least on this first viewing — still a bit hesitant.

I was very impressed with the two other Wheatley films I’ve seen, Kill List and A Field In England: giving both four stars.

And to be frank … ?

I’m not sure Sightseers is quite on a par.

Oh, don’t get me wrong: I’m thinking Sightseers is well up to Wheatley’s visual standards.

I’m just not sure it matched in other ways.

Saying that … ?

It’s possibly a lot better than anyone else’s off day.

Either way … ?

Either way, I want to see more of Wheatley’s work.

The fact he’s directed a couple of upcoming episodes of Dr Who … ?

Gives me a very good excuse …

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