
Saturday 19 July 2014

The Daily Teaser — 19-7-2014

I have to admit, last night was … 

Well, rainy, for a start.

Although that’s maybe putting it mildly.

It was thundering.   And my lord, that was something to watch.


As is the TV documentary I’ve got on in the background: and called The Joy Of The Guitar Riff.

Which has covered practically everything from Chuck Berry to My Bloody Valentine.

All the up to Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit, and whatever that White Stripes song is.

Nice … !

But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw no-one putting in their answers.

So let’s see if we can persuade you to try today’s questions.

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 19th July, 1956, saw the birth of Marc Crispin: designer of Internet Message Access Protocol, or IMAP.   IMAP allows you to access what, on a computer: access email, access the internet or access bit torrent files?
Q2) 19th July, 2013, saw the death of noted goalkeeper, Bert Trautmann.   From 1949 to 1964, he played for which English club?
Q3) The same day ALSO saw the death of comedian and actor, Mel Smith.   He, Griff Rhys Jones, Rowan Atkinson and Dr Pamela Stephenson, all rose to fame in which comedy show?
Q4) Line 1 opened on 19th July, 1900.   On which city’s underground train service?   (We want the name of the city: not the name of the underground.)
Q5) Finally … 19th July, 1545, saw the sinking of the Mary Rose: off Portsmouth.   In which year of the 1980s was she successfully refloated?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 18th July, 1969, saw the death of Mary Jo Kopechne: in a car crash on Chappaquiddick Island.   Who was driving the car?
A1) Senator Edward ‘Ted’ Kennedy.
Q2) 18th July, 1976, saw Nadia Comăneci score a perfect ten her Olympic discipline: at the 1976 Summer Olympics.   What WAS that discipline … ?
A2) Gymnastics.
Q3) More to the point, in which city were those Olympics held … ?
A3) Montreal.
Q4) 18th July, 1870, saw the First Vatican Council decree the Pope was infallible.   In which Italian church was the council held?
A4) Either Saint Peter’s Basilica, or none at all: as the church is in Vatican City, and, therefore, not in Italy at all.   Vatican City is a separate country.    (That fact has, apparently, given Italian financial police headaches for years.   Vatican City is, of course, an offshore tax haven … in the middle of Rome … )
Q5) 18th July, 2013, saw the government of which US city go bankrupt?
A5) Detroit.   (Apparently, that’s the largest municipal bankruptcy since whenever … )
Q6) Finally … 18th July, 1950, saw the birth of businessman, Richard Branson.   What was the name of his first record company … ?
A6) Virgin.   (I know Sir Richard likes to project that fluffy jumper wearing routine in public.   But I’m willing to bet that — in the boardroom — he probably makes any three murdering psychopaths you care to name, look good.)
I’ll leave you with this song: written by a certain Dr Brian May, who featured on the documentary I mentioned … 

And with this thought …
“I despise the Lottery. There’s less chance of you becoming a millionaire than there is of getting hit on the head by a passing asteroid.”
Dr Brian May, born 19th July, 1947.
Have a good day.


  1. @starlingpoet

    Q1: Access your email Q2: Manchester City Q3: The Nine O'Clock News Q4: Paris Q5: 1982

  2. Hi there! :)

    1. access email
    2. Manchester City
    3. Not the Nine O'Clock News
    4. Paris
    5. 1982


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