
Saturday 26 July 2014

The Daily Teaser — 26-7-2014

Hmmm … 

Well … 

That seemed to work out … 

Did I mention I had an interview, yesterday … ?

In sunny Stratford, I should point out.   Which was nice, actually: I used to work there, many moons ago.

So the train trip in and out was something.

At any rate … ?   At any rate, I think it went well.   The question is … ?   Whether I impressed the interviewer enough for the company to hire me.

Frankly, I don’t know.

I’ll only find out if they phone me by Wednesday, to let me know.

Here’s hoping … 

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring six out of six.

Let‘s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video

Q1) 26th July, 1803, saw the opening of the Surrey Iron Railway: arguably, the world’s first railway.   What pulled the trains, on that railway … ?
Q2) Which of Richard Wagner’s operas opened on 26th July, 1882: The Flying Dutchman,  Parsifal or Tristan und Isolde … ?
Q3) 26th July, 1945, saw the last Royal Navy ship sunk during WW2.   Was it the HMS Loyalty, HMS Squirrel or HMS Vestal … ?
Q4) 26th July, 1951, saw the original release of Disney’s Alice In Wonderland.   Kathryn Beaumont, who voiced Alice, also voiced which Peter Pan character?
Q5) Finally … 26th July, 1928, saw the birth of director, Stanley Kubrick.   One of his films was finished after his death: by Steven Spielberg.   Which film?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th July, 1959, saw the Saunders-Roe N1 make the Channel crossing, from Calais to Dover: becoming the first practical example of its kind of craft to do so.   What kind of craft was it?
A1) A hovercraft.
Q2) Who was the English engineer credited with designing that kind of craft … ?
Q3) 25th July, 1976, saw the Viking 1 probe take a famous — or notorious — photo.   Of what … ?
A3) The Cydonia area of Mars: better known as the Face On Mars.   (Space, an X-Files episode inspired by the Face On Mars, was intended as a cheap filler episode.   It went on to become that year’s most expensive!)
Q4) 25th July, 1943, saw Benito Mussolini step down as head of his country’s government: and armed forces.   WHICH country … ?
A4) Italy.
Q5) 25th July, 1992, saw the Summer Olympics open, in Barcelona.   It was the first time representatives from where had been present at the Games: every nation on Earth, every religion or every ethnicity?
A5) Every nation.
Q6) Finally … Wyoming became a territory of the United States on 25th July, 1868.   What’s Wyoming’s capital: Cheyenne, Shoshone or Sioux?
A6) Cheyenne.
Today’s the birthday of Queen’s drummer, Roger Taylor: so I’ll leave you with this … 

And with this thought …
“I don’t like doing interviews. There is always the problem of being misquoted or, what’s even worse, of being quoted exactly.”
Stanley Kubrick July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999.
Enjoy your day … !

*        Cheers for that, Debbi.   Like I say, I thought it went well: but the proof of it will be if I get the job!   (Actually, Debbi … what DID you think of yesterday’s set … ?   I thought I excelled meself, there … )

1 comment:

  1. It was quite good!

    1. horses
    2. Parsifal
    3. HMS Vestal
    4. Wendy
    5. Eyes Wide Shut

    What did you think of my video of Pittsburgh?


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