
Monday 11 August 2014

The Daily Teaser — 11-8-2014

You know, I’m starting to think I hate Sundays!

No, really … !

I think that’s a function of everything that’s going on for me at the moment.

The main thing? Is that I’m still waiting to hear from the DWP about my benefit payments: and, of course can do anything until today.

There’s a few other things, as well: most of which I’ll have to sort out, this afternoon.

Including a leaky sink joint.

Trust me, you really don’t want to know about flooding … !

Oy veh … !

But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser Mr Strict and Debbi putting they answers in: with a tie, as both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 11th August, 1984, saw who (jokingly) say “We begin bombing in five minutes” … ?
Q2) 11th August, 1968, saw the last what run on British Rail: steam hauled engine, first-class carriages or dining room cars?
Q3) 11th August, 1919, saw the Weimar Republic adopt its constitution.   The Weimar Republic was interwar era where: France, Austria or Germany?
Q4) 11th August, 106 AD, saw south-western Dacia become a province of the Roman Empire.   Roman Dacia is now part of which European country … ?
Q5) Finally … 11th August, 1801, saw the birth of Cardinal John Henry Newman: one of the few English (almost) saints of the Roman Catholic Church.   Which Church had he originally been a member of?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 10th August, 1792, saw the effective end of the French monarchy: when the Tuileries Palace was stormed, during the French Revolution.   In which year of the 19th Century, was the French monarchy restored?
A1) 1814: some 22 years later.   (It seems a waste of effort … )
Q2) 10th August is the International day … of which fuel … ?
A2) International Biodiesel Day.   (I seem to recall a lot of this going on … )
Q3) 10th August, 1990, saw the Magellan probe arrive at its target planet: Venus.   Venus’ dense atmosphere is largely made up of which gas: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or hydrogen chloride?
Q4) 10th August, 1988, saw President Ronald Reagan sign the act that compensated Japanese-Americans for their internment: when?
A4) During World War 2.
Q5) Finally … 10th August, 1889, saw the birth of games designer, Charles Darrow.   What board game is his best known game … ?
A5) Monopoly.
I’ll leave you with this song … 

And this thought …
“If you can’t look after something in your care, you have no right to keep it.”
Enid Blyton, 11 August 1897 – 28 November 1968.
Enjoy your day … 

*        Yeah, I’m STILL having trouble keeping up with one, Debbi!   (I really need to Get a new Mac: Bruce keeps over heating, processing video … !)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that and the job hunt!

    1. Ronald Reagan
    2. steam-hauled engine
    3. Germany
    4. Romania
    5. the Church of England


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