
Sunday 21 September 2014

The Daily Teaser — 21-9-2014

You know, easily impressed, sometimes.

No, really … !

And, so far … ?

So far, I’ve been rather impressed with Dr Who.   Last night’s episode, Time Heist, was and is an absolute cracker of an episode.

Cyborgs, shape shifters, a hammer alien thing … 

And a bank job.

Where CAN you go wrong … ?

There’s one minor flaw.   And it’s not with Time Heist.   It’s with next week’s episode, The Caretaker.

It’s getting aired, not at 7·30 … but at 8·30.

Now, I know the BBC’s making a big deal about Strictly Come Dancing, this year.   And that Dr Who’s been moved to make way for it.

But that … ?   Is something I find mildly offensive*.   I may just complain … 

But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi† putting her answers in: and scoring nine out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 21st September, 2013, saw Islamic militants attack the Westgate shopping mall: in Nairobi.   Nairobi is in which country … ?
Q2) 21st September, 1933, saw the first matches organized by the Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre: in Mexico.   Were these boxing matches, wrestling matches or fencing … ?
Q3) 21st September, 19BC saw the death of which Roman poet: Horace, Virgil or Ovid?
Q4) 21st September, 1969, saw police evict people living illegally at 144, Piccadilly.   What’s the usual English term for people illegally — or, at least, semi-legally — occupying unused buildings?
Q5) Finally … 21st September, 1971, saw Bahrain, Qatar and Bhutan all join the United Nations.   Which of these countries is landlocked?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 
Q1) 20th September, 1946, was the date of the very first Cannes Film Festival: as it was delayed for seven years.   What had it been delayed by?
Q2) The Festival is — obviously — held in Cannes.   In which country is Cannes … ?
A2) France.
Q3) Cannes is on part of the coast known as the Riviera.   What’s the Riviera called, in its native language … ?
A3) The Côte d’Azur.
Q4) The Festival’s highest prize is the Palme d’Or.   Palme d’Or translates as Golden … what?
A4) Palm.
Q5) What Turkish film won the Palme d’Or in 2014?
Q6) The Palme d’Or was awarded — in retrospect — to which Cecil B. DeMille film: The Buccaneer, Union Pacific or North West Mounted Police … ?
Q7) At that first Festival, the Palme d’Or was awarded to several films.   What was the only UK film to share the prize?
A7) David Lean’s Brief Encounter.
Q8) The 1960 Palme d’Or winner was La Dolce Vita.   Who directed La Dolce Vita?
Q9) French documentary, La Monde du silence, won in 1956: and was co-directed by Jacques Costeau and Louis Malle.   The documentary was filmed on Costeau’s ship.   What was that ship called?
A9) Calypso.
Q10) Finally … Jane Campion is the only female director to have won the Palme d’Or.   For which film?
A10) The Piano.
I’ll leave you with this tune from Swing Out Sister … 

And this thought …
“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe…”
From The Outline Of History by H. G. Wells, 21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946.
Enjoy your day … 

*        I’m also aware that my kid sister, Ruth, has let my nephew, Jude, stay up late for some of the 7·30 showings.   Knowing Ruth, 7·30 is an acceptable time for him to be up.   8·30’s going to be pushing it … 

†        My pleasure, Debbi!   (Never seen The Piano: always looked as if it didn’t have anything with tentacles in it.   I did see Top Of The Lake, though: mostly where I saw the trailers, and thought Elizabeth Moss was Gillian Anderson, and got hooked … )

1 comment:

  1. The Piano was just awful. Ask my sister! :)

    1. Kenya
    2. wrestling matches
    3. Virgil
    4. squatting
    5. Bhutan


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