
Thursday 25 September 2014

The Daily Teaser — 25-9-2014: The US Constitution

You know, you can TELL I’ve got a documentary on, can’t you … ?

Bless ’em, the BBC can knock out a good one, as and when.

The one I’ve got on in the background … ?

Is part two of Oh, You Pretty Things: an in depth examination of the links between music and fashion.

You HAVE to ask, don’t you … ?

What the HELL were people wearing, back then … ?

The shows were fantastic.

But, boy do the eyeballs hurt … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring four out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How Tolicense and video

Q1) 25th September, 1789, saw the US government pass the first 12 amendments to the Constitution; how many of these make up what’s known as the Bill of Rights?
Q2) The US Constitution opens with the line, “We, The People …”: of where … ?
Q3) ‘Article the First’ of the amendments was never formally ratified and was supposed to guarantee one representative for, at most, how many people: thirty thousand, forty thousand or fifty thousand … ?
Q4) Another of those twelve amendments was the one that forbade congressional pay raises until the start of the next term of office  That eventually became which amendment: the twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth or twenty-seventh … ?
Q5) The First Amendment forbade the USA from adopting what: a state military, state religion or US navy … ?
Q6) The Third Amendment to the Constitution guarantees protection from what … ?
Q7) Which amendment guarantees the right to a trial by jury: the fifth, sixth or seventh … ?
Q8) Many US citizens tell you they have a right bear arms: which Amendment guarantees this … ?
Q9) Which Amendment guarantees freedom of speech in the US … ?
Q10) Finally … Which of the Amendments means a US citizen can’t incriminate himself: the Third, Fourth or Fifth … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 24th September, 1996, saw the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed: at the UN building in New York.   By how many nations: seventy-one, seventy-two or seventy-three?

Q2) 24th September, 1957, saw the opening of Camp Nou: Europe’s largest football stadium.   Which Spanish team is it home to?

A2) FC Barcelona.
Q3) 24th September, 1789, saw the US Congress pass the Judiciary Act: that initially organized the US Supreme Court.   It also created which US government post: the President, the Attorney General or the Speaker of the House of Representatives?

Q4) 24th September, 1946, saw the founding of Cathay Pacific Airways: by two American businessmen.   In which part of China: Shanghai, Hong Kong or Sichuan?

A4) Hong Kong.
Q5) Finally … 24th September, 1990, saw observations take place: of the the Great White Spot.   The Spot is on which planet?

A5) Saturn.
I’ll leave you with this … 

And this … 
“One’s right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.”

Robert H. Jackson.
Enjoy the day.

*        Well … I’d love to say it’s going well, Debbi.   But I’m STILL out of a job.   Saying that, I think having to do my job search at the local Job-centre’s† a good thing: I’ve managed to bag a few more interviews, that way.   (I’m seeing if I can get a starter job in a call centre.   I know GETTING a call like that’s a pain: but, for me, it would make a change from bars … !)

†        The Job centre’s got a couple of Ubuntu-based public terminal’s we can use.   Which are nice.   But could do with someone from the Job centre’s IT department, coming around once a month, to do all the updates.

1 comment:

  1. I wish nothing but the best, Paul! Hang in there.

    BTW, great tune. I'll have to use in tomorrow's post!

    Thank you for sharing it!

    1. 10
    2. the United States
    3. thirty thousand
    4. the 27th
    5. state religion
    6. quartering soldiers in one's house
    7. the Seventh
    8. the Second
    9. the First
    10. the Fifth

    Personally, I think we should do something about controlling guns.

    But the First Amendment is important. And fits with my post on Banned Books Week!


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