
Monday 22 December 2014

The Daily Teaser — 22-12-2014

Oh, now that’s sad … Billie Whitelaw’s died … !

I know she wasn’t a young woman.

But that was unexpected.

And saddening, either way.

Frankly … ?

I remember seeing the original version of The Omen.

And, while I think the remake is — in many ways — a better made film, the original has two genuinely un-nerving elements.

Jerry Goldsmith’s Oscar winning score: the Ave Satanis was and is the most terrifying piece of music going.

The other was Billie Whitelaw as Mrs Baylock, the nanny.

RIP, Billie.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 22nd December is National Mathematics Day.   In which country: India, China or Japan?
Q2) 22nd December, saw human rights activist, Dr Martin Almada, find what’s called the Archives of Terror.  These were archives and documents about human rights abuses, centred in which South American country: Paraguay, Brazil or Argentina?
Q3) Towards the end of the Cold War, 22nd December, 1989, saw the re-opening of the Brandenburg Gate.   The Gate is in which German city?
Q4) 22nd December, 1891, saw the discover of Asteroid 323 Brucia.   The asteroid was the first to be discovered by what: telescope, photograph or laser scanning?
Q5) Finally … 22nd December, 1988, saw the assassination of Chico Mendes: a trade unionist and environmental activist from which South American country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 21st December, 1937, saw Disney premiere the world’s first fully animated feature film: at the Carthay Circle Theatre.   What WAS that film?
Q2) 75 years later … 21st December, 2012, saw Disney buy Lucasfilms: along with the rights to which film franchise?
A2) The Star Wars franchise.   (I have to say, I’m impressed with the new trailer … )
Q3) 21st December, 1945, saw the death of US general, George S. Patton.   Amongst his other achievements, he — in 1913 — designed a type of what: saber, pistol or catapult?
A3) Saber.
Q4) 21st December, 69 AD, saw Vespasian named as Roman Emperor.   As a result of the various political upheavals, 69 AD is known as the Year of the what?
A4) Year Of The Four Emperors.
Q5) Finally … 21st December, 1913, saw Arthur Wynne — by way of the New York World — publish the very first what?
I’ll leave you with this song …

And this thought …
“Old books that have ceased to be of service should no more be abandoned than should old friends who have ceased to give pleasure.”

Sir Peregrine Worsthorne, born 22nd December, 1923.
Have a nice day … !

*        It’s good stuff, Debbi!   (The chap that did it, has done quite a lot about Dr Who … )

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to watching it all.

    1. India
    2. Paraguay
    3. Berlin
    4. photograph
    5. Brazil

    I may be going offline for a while, depending on how things go today with my Mac. Getting some things checked out.


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