
Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Daily Teaser — 9-12-2014

You know, I like good radio show.

Really … !

And it has to be said, I’ve been following I’m Sorry, I Haven’t A Clue for several years: I had last night’s episode on, as I started writing this.

With last night’s Mornington Crescent being a rather tough match!

My point … ?

My point is quite simple: the show is possibly the best thing going, and is well worth catching!


But, at any rate, let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 9th December, 1979, saw the World Health Organization certify the eradication of which disease?
Q2) 9th December, 1993, saw NASA astronauts repair what?
Q3) 9th December, 1968, saw what computer scientists call The Mother Of All Demos.   This saw the introduction of the Mouse, hypertext and a GUI.   What IS a GUI?
Q4) 9th December, 1965, saw the first broadcast of a TV Christmas Special: featuring characters from which comic strip?
Q5) Finally … 9th December, 1987, saw play halted, between England and Pakistan: after a row exploded between umpire, Shakoor Rana, and the England cricket captain.   Who was that captain?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 8th December, 2004, saw twelve South American countries sign the Cuzco Declaration: helping create what’s now the Union Of South American Nations.   The Union on modeled on what: the EU, the UN or the USA?
A1) The EU.
Q2) 8th December, 1894, saw the birth of Elzie Crisler Segar.   Segar created which cartoon character: Judge Dredd, Popeye or Superman?
A2) Popeye.
Q3) 8th December, 1941, saw Japanese forces — in the wake of the Pearl Harbour attacks — invade Malaya, Thailand, the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies.   Which British controlled part of China did they invade?
A3) Hong Kong.
Q4) 8th December, 1953, saw the birth of actress, model and singer, Kim Basinger.   On which Was (Not Was) song did she duet with Ozzy Osbourne?
.   (Although that latter link says the Basinger/Osbourne version is the one that’s on Born To Laugh At Tornadoes, it’s NOT on the version of the album I own … )
Q5) Finally … 8th December, 1966, saw the sinking of the ferry, the SS Heraklion.   What did the SS stand for?
Given today marks the birth of Junior Wells?   Given that, I’ll leave you with this tune … 

And with this thought from Judi Dench …
“My husband was actually very keen that I would become a Bond girl.”

Judi Dench, born  9th December, 1934.
Have a good day … !

*     That’s a thought, Debbi, how’s Invisible Me doing?

1 comment:

  1. Not too well. It needs a bit more publicizing! I'm working on it slowly, but surely.

    1. smallpox
    2. the Hubble telescope
    3. graphical user interface
    4. Peanuts
    5. Mike Gatting


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