
Thursday 1 January 2015

The Daily Teaser — 1-1-2015: New Year’s Day

I think I can officially say ‘Yuck’ … !

No, really … !

You see, I’ve actually worked out what the most exciting thing to happen to me in 2015: at least, so far.

It’s Bronchostop cough sweets!   Oh, and a bottle of Olbas oil.

Yes … I’ve got a cold.

Or been sold something that that’s supposed to stop a horse.

I think we can say — effectively — they haven’t helped my cough.

Hell of a way to start a new year … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring twelve out of twelve.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video

Q1) 1st January is New Year’s Day: which the ancient Romans dedicated to which god?
Q2) Oshōgatsu is the Japanese New Year’s Day: on which day is it celebrated?
Q3) 1st January, 1700, saw Russia start using Anno Domini.   Up until then, it had used Anno Mundi: formerly used by which empire?
Q4) 1st January, 1806, saw France stop using its Revolutionary Calendar: in which year had France adopted it?
Q5) Many in Canada will be celebrating New Year’s Day by having what: a grizzly bear barbecue, a polar bear plunge or a koala bear cuddle?
Q6) New Year’s Day sees Nassau hold the Junkanoo parade.   Nassau is the capital of which island nation?
Q7) The people of the Gwaun Valley celebrate New Year’s Day on the 13th January.   The Valley is in which country of the UK?
Q8) Nowruz is New Year’s Day.   In which Calendar: Persian, Parsee or Pakistani?
Q9) Enkutatash is New Year’s Day: in which African country?
Q10) Finally … Which band released the song, Happy New Year, in 1980?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2014 is the International Year of what: family farming, soil or Biodiversity?
Q2) January 1st, 2014, saw which country adopt the Euro: Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia?
A2) Latvia.
Q3) February 7th to the 23rd, was the dates of this year’s Winter Olympics.   The games were held in which Russian resort?
A3) Sochi.
Q4) March 31st, 2014, saw the United Nations rule one Asian nation’s whaling operations to be commercial, rather than scientific.   Which Asian nation?
A4) Japan.
Q5) 27th April, 2014, saw the Roman Catholic Church canonize two former popes.   Name either.
Q6) 5th May, 2014, saw the World Health Organization identify one disease as a medical emergency in ten countries.   Which disease: HIV/AIDS, the Ebola Virus or Polio?
A6) Polio.
Q7) This year’s FIFA World Cup tournament was from 12th June to July 13th.   Which South American country hosted it?
A7) Brazil.   (Possibly the only home nation to be a film … )
Q8) Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan were found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity: in August of this year.   The two were former leaders of which Cambodian group?
A8) The Khmer Rouge.
Q9) September 22nd, 2014, saw the US lead airstrikes: on which country?
A9) Syria.
Q10) In October, Blaise Compaoré resigned as President, this year.   As President of which African country?
Q11) 12th November, 2014, saw the Philae probe land.   On what: a comet, asteroid or meteor?
A11) A comet.
Q12) Finally … 21st December, 2014, saw the death of actress, Billie Whitelaw.   With which Irish playwright was she closely associated?
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“My New Year’s Resolution List usually starts with the desire to lose between ten and three thousand pounds.”

Nia Vardalos.
And this tune … 

Happy New Year … !

*        Glad to help, Debbi!   (Oh, did I tell you I’ve got a blu-ray drive for my Mac?   Means I can rip and watch blu-ray movies on me apple TV!)

1 comment:

  1. Happy new year then! :)

    1. Janus
    2. Jan. 1
    3. Byzantine
    4. 1793
    5. a polar bear plunge
    6. the Bahamas
    7. Wales
    8. Persian
    9. Ethiopia
    10. ABBA


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