
Friday 27 February 2015

Leonard Nimoy: March 26, 1931 – February 27, 2015. RIP

You know, when I was child, the BBC would regularly show two science fiction shows.

Or show two such shows, for a family audience.

Dr Who was one.

I remain a life fan of the show, as a result.

The other SF show Aunty Beeb aired … ?

Was Star Trek: possibly the USA’s favourite SF piece.

One of the iconic characters?

Was Mr Spock.

So getting news, today, that Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played Spock, has died … ?

Is saddening to hear.


Now, I realise Nimoy’s death possibly doesn’t mean much: especially to those of us who aren’t science fiction fans.

Personally, though … ?

Personally, I’m very aware that the genre, these days, is more popular than it was: especially in the 1960s and 1970s.

But … ?

But I’m ALSO aware it had help.   Star Wars helped, there, for my generation.

But wouldn’t have been able to do so, without forerunners.

Dr Who was and is one.

As was, and is, Star Trek.

The latter show?

Wouldn’t have been the same, without its resident non-human, Mr Spock.   Nor have the background universe it has.

Nor — I think — have survived.

Rip In Peace, Leonard Nimoy.

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