
Sunday 26 April 2015

The Daily Teaser — 26-4-2015


The thing turned up … !

I managed to order a cable a few days ago: which arrived, yesterday.

One that let’s me connect a monitor with a vga to a video card — like mine — with a DVI port.

I’m thankful, grateful … 

And looking forward to trying it out.

Especially when you consider the second hand Mac Pro I’m using has a comparatively high spec video card — at least, for the generation of the machine — that includes two such ports.

In other words?   I can connect two monitors to it … 

Yes … looking forward … 


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: AND scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s Teaser, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) US president, Ronald Reagan, arrived in China, on a state visit: on 26th April, 1984.   His was the first such presidential visit, since who went to Beijing, in 1972?
Q2) 26th April, 1956, saw the first voyage of the SS Ideal X, generally considered to be the world’s first successful example of what kind of ship: an oil tanker, a container ship or an aircraft carrier?
Q3) Two years earlier, 26th April, 1954, saw the start of the Geneva Conference.   Held in Switzerland, the Conference was designed to bring peace to which country: Vietnam, Korea or China?
Q4) 26th April, 1960, saw the birth of drummer, Roger Taylor.   With which band did he find fame?
Q5) Finally … 26th April, 1937, saw the bombing of which Spanish town?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th April saw publication of Robert Noyce’s patent for his version of the integrated circuit.   In which year of the 1960s?
A1) 1961.
Q2) Noyce co-founded two companies that made integrated circuits.   One was Fairchild Semiconductor.   What is the other: Intel, AMD or ARM?
A2) Intel.
Q3) That latter company made circuits known as the x what series of circuits: x76, x86 or x96?
A3) 86.
Q4) Fairchild Semiconductors takes its name from semiconducting materials.   In other words, materials that will, under the right circumstances, conduct what: heat, light or electricity?
Q5) The most frequently used semiconductor on earth is silicon.   Which ‘G’ was used in early integrated circuits?
A5) Germanium.   (Apparently, one of the best semiconductors going, is diamond.   How much a chip with diamond instead of silicon would cost … well, don’t look at me … !)
Q6) The second most frequently used semiconductor is Gallium Arsenide. The compound is a mixture of Gallium: and what else?
A6) Arsenic.   (Both are metalloids.   In other words, metals that behave like non-metals in some circumstances: OR non-metals with some characteristics of metals.   The lay term is ‘little sods’ … )
Q7) One type of integrated circuit is the memory in your computer: known as RAM.   What does the A stand for?
A7) Access.
Q8) An integrated circuit integrates lots of what, into one package: transistors, valves or power sources?
A8) Transistors.   (Generally speaking, semiconductor devices like the chip have replaced valves.   A power source is needed for all of them.   God help me if I’ve got that one wrong, though)
Q9) Integrated circuits generally get twice as efficient, once every 18 months to two years.   This is known as whose law?
A9) Moore’s Law.   (It’s named for Gordon Moore, one of the other co-founders of Fairchild and Intel.)
Q10) Finally … these kinds of integrated circuits are informally known as what: rice, breadboards or chips?
A10) Chips.   (‘Breadboard’ is a slang term for a prototype circuit board: or the plastic board you can build a prototype circuit board on.   Rice is grown in fields … )
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“I do some of my stunts for the things I have learned. But if it is for something I have never learned, then I use a double.”

Jet Li, born 26 April 1963.
And some Ma Rainey … 

Have a good day!

*        Yeah, you DID mention, Debbi: I remember you telling Trevor.   Hmmm … Don’t know if they’d grab you — especially as you’d probably need both hands free, to put the things together — but I keep meaning to mention Arduino boards to you.   Never put one together or used one: but they’re little open source circuit boards you can use to make electronic projects with.   Don’t know if you can make a full on computer: but you could probably build a thermostat with it … 

1 comment:

  1. Busy day today, so I'm getting this in late! :)

    1. Nixon
    2. an oil tanker
    3. Korea
    4. Queen
    5. Guernica


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