
Friday 8 May 2015

The Daily Teaser — 8-5-2015

Well, it’s official.

We now have a Tory government in the UK.

Frankly?   Well, frankly, and personally, I’m not surprised.

Either at Tory winnings.   Or the Labour defeat.

I’m pleasantly surprised that the Scottish Nationalists have done as well as they have: they’ve taken 56 seats out of 59.   Which means that they will hold huge influence in Westminster.

And will hopefully do a lot of good, there.

The non-surprise for me?

Is how badly the Liberal Democrats have done: they’ve lost some 46 or so seats, on the current figures.

I’m very unsurprised.   I’m a lifelong Lib-dem voter.   One who, this time around, could not vote Liberal Democrat.

They slept with the enemy.

I couldn’t vote Liberal Democrat, after that.   Neither, it seems, could many others.

Elections are like that: they’re the one guaranteed form of karma, going.


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser was quiet: with no-one putting in their answers.

Let’s see who we can tempt into trying today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video

Q1) 8th May, 1450, saw the start of the Jack Cade rebellion.   Against which English King: Henry 4th, Henry 5th or Henry 6th?
Q2) 8th May, 1945, marked the end of World War 2, in Europe: known ever since as VE Day.   It marks the surrender of which European nation?
Q3) 8th May 1919, saw Edward George Honey come up with a way of making the end of World War 1.   How: by wearing a poppy, with a moment’s silence or by placing a Cenotaph?
Q4) 8th May, 1984, saw the official opening of the Thames Barrier, in London.   What is the barrier designed to prevent happening in London?
Q5) Finally … 8th May, 1987, saw eight members of the Provisional IRA were shot: in Loughall, in Northern Ireland.   By members of which British Army brigade?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 7th May, 2015, sees a General Election held in the UK: it sees MPs elected to the UK’s Parliament.   Are those MPs elected to the House Of Commons or the House Of Lords?
Q2) True or False: the UK’s Upper House, the House of Lords, has elected members.
A2) False.
Q3) Which UK party is led by Nigel Farage?
A3) The UK Independence Party: popularly known as Ukip.
Q4) That party is known to be what: pro-European or Eurosceptic?
Q5) Natalie Bennett leads one UK party: WHICH party?
A5) The Greens: or Green Party of England and Wales, to give them their full name.
Q6) Natalie’s party had — in the last Parliament — just the one MP.   Who WAS that MP?
A6) Caroline Lucas.   (The former Green leader was MP for Brighton Pavilion.)
Q7) Plaid Cymru has many candidates standing in this election: and are lead by Leanne Wood.   The party is standing in constituencies in which part of the UK?
A7) Wales.   Plaid Cymru are the Welsh Nationalist.
Q8) Many in Scotland will be voting for the Scottish National Party.   The SNP is currently led by the Scottish First Minister, who’s not standing for a seat in Westminster.   Who is she?
A8) Nicola Sturgeon.   (Personally?   I think it’s a shame she isn’t standing: it strikes me she’d be seriously good for Westminster.)
Q9) The Official Monster Raving Loony Party — led by Alan ‘Howling Laud’ Hope — is standing in 17 seats in this year’s elections.   Who was the party’s original Party leader?
A9) David Sutch: better know as Screamin’ Lord Sutch.   (Technically?   Whilst never actually elected to Parliament, Sutch was Britain’s longest serving political party leader.   He ALSO holds the record for losing every election he ever stood in.   And, as a result of his activities, the deposit required to standing an election in the UK was raised from £150, to £500.   The man kept going.)
Q10) Finally … Many local councils are holding elections on the same day as the General Election.   These are usually called what elections?
A10) Local elections.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“Those who want the Government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination.”

Harry S. Truman, May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972.
And this tune … 

Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm back! :)

    1. Henry VI
    2. Germany
    3. with a moment's silence
    4. flooding
    5. the SAS


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