
Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Daily Teaser — 23-6-2015


I have to confess, I slept through my alarm … !

I hate sleeping through my alarm.

OK, granted, it’s a day when I’m working late.   Granted I wasn’t going to worry on that front.

But even so, it’s not something I like going … !


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 23rd June, 1894, saw the founding of the International Olympic Committee: at the Sorbonne, in Paris.   What kind of institution IS the Sorbonne: a theatre, a university or a sports arena?
Q2) 23rd June, 1992, saw Mafia boss, John Gotti, jailed for life.   What was his nickname?
Q3) On 23rd June, 2013, Nik Wallenda made the first successful tight-rope crossing of the Grand Canyon.   The Canyon is in which US state?
Q4) 23rd June, 47BC, saw the birth of Caesarion: also know as Ptolemy Caesar.   Caesarion was the son of Cleopatra 7th of Egypt.   And, supposedly, whom?
Q5) Finally … 23rd June, 1972, saw the UK’s Chancellor issue order to float the Pound Sterling: so its value fluctuates on the market, in other words.   Who WAS that Chancellor?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 22nd June, 1965, saw the death of film producer, David O. Selznick.   Selznick produced two Best Picture winners: in 1939 and 1940.   Name either.
A1) Gone With The Wind and Rebecca.
Q2) 22nd June, 1959, saw the directors of Harrods admit they were having merger talks.   With whom: Walmart, Debenhams or the House of Fraser?
A2) Debenhams.   (Although the store eventually merged with House of Fraser.)
Q3) 22nd June, 1633, saw the Holy Office — the Inquisition, in other words — force whom to recant his view that the Sun was the centre of the Universe?
Q4) James W. Christy discovered a moon of Pluto: on the 22nd June, 1978.   What’s that moon called?
A4) Charon.
Q5) Finally … 22nd June, 1856, saw the birth of writer, H. Hider Haggard: the man behind Alan Quatermain.   What did the ‘H’ stand for?
A5) Henry.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“The idea behind digital computers may be explained by saying that these machines are intended to carry out any operations which could be done by a human computer.”

Alan Turing, 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954.
And this song … 

Enjoy your day … !

*        Really … ?   Wouldn’t mind one, myself, to be honest with you, Debbi.   I think the bottom of the range MacBook doesn’t quite have the connectivity I’d want, although you can transfer stuff wirelessly from your iMac.   Good old fashioned drag and drop!   The Air looks VERY portable: temptingly portable, and with that thunderbolt connection?   I could hook one up to an extra monitor quite easily.   The Pro, though … ?   Hubba, hubba, hubba … !   (Going on Apple’s own specs?   I’d suggest the Air, if you’re going to be using it as your second computer: and the Pro, if you’re replacing the iMac.   All of them come with Migration Assistant: if you’re feeling confident, you can save a few bucks by transferring stuff over yourself.   The Pro’s got more processor grunt, as well.   Given the money, that’s the one I’d go for, as it means I’d be able to use Handbrake,  vlc and iDVD with ease.)

1 comment:

  1. Mainly, I'll be doing writing on it, so I'll have to think it over. Thanks, Paul! :)

    1. a university
    2. the Teflon Don
    3. Arizona
    4. Julius Caesar
    5. Anthony Barber


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