
Thursday 25 June 2015

The Daily Teaser — 25-6-2015

You know, I’ve been reconstructing the now lost TV series: that I’d had on a now gone external drive.

I DO know I’d managed to pick up the first seasons of the remake of House of Cards, and Sky Atlantic’s Penny Dreadful.

Something I’m going to have to sit down with, at some point … !

The reason I say that … ?   Is that — bar Humans — there’s very little on TV that’s catching my attention.

That and the loss of my external drive are possibly a good thing.

They mean I can go exploring … 


But let’s get a move on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring four out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 25th June, 1944, saw the last publication of the Krazy Kat comic strip.   The strip shows us the eponymous kat: who repeatedly gets what thrown at him?
Q2) 25th June, 1903, saw the birth of author, George Orwell.   Nineteen Eighty-Four, one of his best known works, was written while he was living on which Scottish island?
Q3) 25 years after the birth of Orwell, 25th June, 1928, saw the birth of author and illustrator, Peyo: best known as the creator of the Smurfs.   Which country was Peyo from?
Q4) 25th June, 1910, saw the debut of the ballet, The Firebird.   Which Russian composer wrote the music for that ballet?
Q5) Finally … 25th June, 1975, saw Mozambique become independent.   From which European country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 24th June, 2012, saw the death of Lonesome George.   George was the last known member of his subspecies of tortoise: a subspecies from which island chain?
Q2) Two years earlier, 24th June, 2010, saw Julia Gillard named as Prime Minister: of which English speaking country?
A2) Australia.
Q3) 24th June, 2013, saw the former Italian Prime Minister found guilty of abusing his powers.   What was his name?
Q4) 24th June is — in many Christian churches — the feast day of Saint John the whom?
A4) Baptist.
Q5) Finally … 24th June, 1314, saw the end of the Battle of Bannockburn: with a victory for Scottish forces.   Which king led those forces?
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

From the original introduction to Animal Farm, by George Orwell, 25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950.
This thought …
“I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’”.

George Orwell, in 1943’s Looking Back on the Spanish War.
And this final thought …
“Never use a long word where a short one will do.”

George Orwell, in Politics and the English Language.
And this tune … 

Have a good day: remember, quote George Orwell … !

*         My pleasure, Debbi!   (Oh, sorry about yesterday’s score: I meant Robert the Bruce, who’s never been played by Patrick McGoohan … !   Never actually seen Braveheart: where he played Edward 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Big oops! :)

    1. bricks
    2. Jura
    3. Brussels
    4. Igor Stravinsky
    5. Portugal


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