
Sunday 12 July 2015

Humans — Episode 5: 12-7-2015

12th July, 2015.

Ye GODS … but I think I’ve a minor case of eyestrain, at the moment.

Part of that … ?

Is simply down to the fact I am dog tired.

After all, last night was — for various reasons — pretty rough.

And left me — back in at 12, today, after an early start — feeling woozy for most of the shift.

I’m not complaining TOO much.

Unlike — right now — my eyes.

Which are bitching.

At any rate, I wanted to let you know something, tonight.

That I’ve seen tonight’s episode of Humans.

And, while I’m feeling tired enough to NOT want to do my usual write-up?   I’m feeling I should let tell you I’ve seen it.

And give you a brief summary.

After the events of last weeks episode, Laura and Joe have decided to tell their children — Mattie, Toby and Sophie — Anita is an older model the family has been foisted with: and one the children don’t want to lose out on.


The episode focuses on two things.

Firrstly, Matilda managing to sneak Anita out of the house: so she can be taken to Leo Elster (Colin Morgan) for analysis.

He’s convinced Anita is the lost Mia: more so, after hooking the Synth up to his laptop and examining her programming.

In the meantime … ?

In the meantime Niska is in hiding: at Dr Millican’s … in hiding, and having a lot of … conversations with him.

During which Millican tells Niska he’d worked on the original synth project with David Elster, Leo’s father: and left the project, disagreeing with Elster about the latter’s decision to try and make the Synths into truly sentient, self-aware, creatures.

As, it seems, did Dr Hobb: who seems to be interested in tracking down the various rogue synths.

In all this … ?

In all this, the episode closes with Joe deciding to be honest with Laura: and, in what I felt to one on of the series’ more powerful moments, sees the couple arguing …

With Joe leaving the family home … 

Just as the credits roll.


Now … 

I am — personally — convinced that isn’t the greatest piece of TV science fiction ever made.

I’m still HALF convinced that honour should — very specifically — to Torchwood’s third series, Children of Earth.


Like Children of EarthHumans shows us a depth I don’t think I’ve seen in other series.

And ALL the more satisfying a watch for that.

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