
Monday 27 July 2015

Humans — Episode 7: 26-7-2015

26th July, 2015.

You know, right now … ?

Right now, it’s very late: after all, I’ve barely finished work.

But finished I have: and … ?

And I’ve managed to just catch tonight’s seventh episode of Channel 4 series, Humans.

Coming away, having been very impressed.


Following on from the sixth episode, tonight’s episode sees a de-powered Max fished out of the river by Leo and Fred.

Who manage to take Max to the Hawkins household: where the fatally injured Max is helped by Mia, Leo, Mattie, Joe, Laura and the family.

We also find out — from the flashback scenes — that the Synth who’d been pretending to be DI Karen Vloss … ?

Not only has a crush on Pete, her police partner, but ALSO capable of killing.

As, after meeting Niska at Dr Millican’s, manages to shoot him.

Things don’t stop, there … 

As, at Chéz Hawkins, Laura catches a news item about Niska … and what Niska had done at a smash club, a few days earlier.

And insists on kicking Leo and the synths out of the Hawkins home.

It only goes down hill from there … 


Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to bed: Radio 4 is JUST playing the midnight news.

But … ?

Right at the moment, I’m watching Humans, week by week, and binge watching Penny Dreadful.

And thoroughly enjoying both … !

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