
Thursday 2 July 2015

The Daily Teaser — 2-7-2015

Well, I’m officially back at school.



And frankly … ?

I’m looking forward to it.

Days off are nice: and I’ve been able to do a few things, both for myself and the blog.

But we’re having something of a competition, at work: to see who can do the most up-selling.

And … ?

Your’s truly seems to be doing rather well, after the first couple of weeks.

Here’s hoping that gets me a bonus … 


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring eight and a half out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 2nd July sees the start of the 2015 Anime Expo: in Los Angeles.   Anime are a type of Japanese what: comic, cartoon or computer game?
Q2) Charles J. Guiteau shot — and fatally wounded — the US President: on the 2nd July, 1881.   Which President?
Q3) 2nd July, 1934, saw the end of the Night of the Long Knives: with the death of senior Nazi, Ernst Röhm.   Röhm was head of which Nazi organization?
Q4) 2nd July, 1945, saw the opening of the first Walmart store: in Rogers, Arkansas.   What’s the name of Walmart’s UK subsidiary?
Q5) Finally … 2nd July, 1900, saw the first flight of a Zeppelin.   Exactly what kind of aircraft is a Zeppelin: a biplane, airship or helicopter?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 
Q1) 1st July saw the start of the very first Tour de France.   In which year of the 1900s?
A1) 1903.
Q2) The first stage of the race was from Paris: to which city?
A2) Lyon.
Q3) Most of the stages were fairly flat: apart from Stage 2.   Stage 2 ended in which French city?
A3) Marseille.
Q4) That stage went over the Col de la République.   The Col is also known as what?
Q5) Maurice Garin and Hippolyte Aucouturier were the pre-race favourites.   Which of them won?
Q6) The race leader usually wears what colour of jersey?
A6) Yellow.
Q7) However, in that first Tour de France, the race leader wore a green … what?
A7) Armband.
Q8) This first Tour de France finished at a Parisian Velodrome.   Where does the modern race finish?
Q9) The 2014 Tour de France started in which Yorkshire town?
A9) Leeds.
Q10) Finally … if you’re competing in the Tour de France, what are you riding?
A10) A bicycle.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“I do my sums with matchsticks.”

Sir Alec Douglas Home, 2 July 1903 – 9 October 1995.
And this tune … 

Enjoy your day … !

*        Yeah, sorry, Debbi!   I’ve been feeling me artistic oats … !

1 comment:

  1. I see. Thanks for a short one today! :)

    1. cartoon
    2. James A. Garfield
    3. the Sturmabteilung
    4. Asda
    5. an airship


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