
Saturday 8 August 2015

The Daily Teaser — 8-8-2015: Dr Dirac

Hmmm … 

That was an entertaining evening …

He says, with a a heavy dose of irony.

Did I ever tell you I work at a local fast-food restaurant?

I work at a local … yeah, you get my point.

At any rate, I was working, last night.

Got myself at about ten.

And in bed by about half past eleven.

Could I get to sleep … ?

Good grief, no!   I think bits of me were aching a little bit too much for comfort.

And it was a nippy night, as well.

Definitely nippy!

To the point where shutting my windows, to shut off the cold, was one HELL of an improvement.

This … in early August … !

Oy … !


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers, scoring ten out of ten in the process.   It also saw Olga† letting us know she’s off on a trip, for a few weeks.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 8th August, 1902, saw the birth of Anglo-Swiss physicist, Paul Dirac.   His ‘Dirac Equation’ helped define what: the antiproton, the antineutron or the positron?
Q2) More to the point, he was award a Nobel Prize for Physics: in which year of the 1930s?
Q3) Which Austrian physicist shared that prize with Dr Dirac?
Q4) Dr Dirac helped define which branch of theoretical physics: Particle physics, Quantum Mechanics or Thermodynamics?
Q5) He also did work on what: magnetic fields, magnetic monopoles or electromagnetic induction?
Q6) Dr Dirac held the Lucasian Professorship for many years.   The Chair is at which British University: Oxford, Cambridge or Saint Andrews?
Q7) Who’s the current Lucasian Professor: Professor James Lighthill, Professor Stephen Hawking, Professor Michael Green or Professor Michael Cates?
Q8) In 1975, Dr Dirac gave a series of five lectures on physics.   For the University of where: New South Wales, Queensland or Western Australia?
Q9) There’s a piece of open source software named for Dr Paul Dirac.   It’s designed to help scientists in which field: quantum chemistry, astronomy or particle physics?
Q10) Finally … Dr Dirac’s grave is in Florida.   But there’s a commemorative marker to him: in which London Church?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 
Q1) 7th August saw the first ever game of Australian rules football.   Between two schools from which Australian city?
A1) Melbourne.
Q2) The first game was in which year of the 1850s?
A2) 1858.
Q3) How many members can each team have on field, during each game: 16, 17 or 18?
A3) 18.
Q4) More to the point, how members does each team have available, during a game: 20, 21 or 22?
A4) 22.
Q5) What shape is an Australian Rules Football pitch: square, oval or circular?
A5) Oval.
Q6) The pitch has a 50 metre by 50 metre what, in the centre of the pitch: square, oval or circle?
A6) Square.
Q7) Aussie Rules football has a pair of goal posts at each end of the pitch: along with a pair of ‘behind’ posts.   How many points does a team score, for scoring a goal?
A7) Six points.
Q8) If the ball goes between a goal-post, and a behind post, how many points does the team score: one, two or three points?
A8) One point.   (Apparently, it’s known as a behind.   The term for conceding a behind is ‘rushed behind.’   Although when I first heard the term, I thought it was a term for ‘Rampaging trots’ … )
Q9) The sport’s highest level professional body is the AFL: or Australian Football … what?
A9) League.
Q10) Finally … in Australian Rules football … what shape is the ball?
A10) Oval.   (Well … ovoid.   Ovid, if you’re feeling poetic.   Avoid, if you don’t want to get hit in the face by something that looks like a rugby ball.   Sorry, sorry, couldn’t resist … )
I’ll leave you with this thought from Dr Dirac, himself …
“In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in the case of poetry, it’s the exact opposite!”

Dr Paul Dirac, 8 August 1902 – 20 October 1984.
And this tune … 

Enjoy your day.

*        Yeah, sorry about these ones, Debbi!   I couldn’t resist the themes … !   (I’ll try my damnedest, Debbi: although I’m doing 6 to half ten, tonight, so I’ll have to see what happens.)

†        That’s OK, Olga: and yes, it’s a bit obscure … !   I only found out about Australian Rules football a few years ago.   (I’m not a sports fan: but the ball-up, the games equivalent to a kick-off, always makes me think of rugby playing ballet dancers.)   At any rate, enjoy your trip: I hope it goes well.

1 comment:

  1. No problem, Paul! Just check out the YouTube video. My sister laughed! :)

    1. positron
    2. 1933
    3. Erwin Schrödinger
    4. quantum mechanics
    5. magnetic monopoles
    6. Cambridge
    7. Michael Cates
    8. New South Wales
    9. particle physics
    10. Westminster Abbey


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