
Thursday 10 September 2015

The Daily Teaser — 10-9-2015

You know, I bought a little set-top box on Amazon.

A couple of weeks ago, now.

It’s a device that lets me view Freeview content — especially high definition Freeview content — on my TV.

Yes, I KNOW my new TV already receives — and can record —digital signals.

As the box ALSO does so … ?   It gives me an extra device to record stuff with.   A back up, device.

The only problem with that … ?

Is that the thing hooks up to the TV, with an HDMI cable: an extra one of those is ALREADY here, as I ordered it at the same time.

I ALSO ordered a cheap HDMI switch.    A little gadget that let’s me plug up to three HDMI equipped devices to my TV: and something I ordered at the same time as the set top box, and the cable.

They’re here.

The three-way switch isn’t.

I think that’s the last time I order from a third-party Amazon seller … who’s in Hong Kong … !

That switch is really taking it’s time … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: along side a welcomed back Olga†.   The day saw both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 10th September, 1973, saw which fashion company open a department store on Kensington High Street: Mary Quant, Biba or Burberry?
Q2) Hamida Djandoubi became the last person to be executed in France: on 10th September, 1977.   How was he executed: by hanging, guillotine or firing squad?
Q3) Which neutral European country joined the United Nations: on 10th September, 2002?
Q4) 10th September, 2014, saw the death of actor, Richard Kiel.   Who did he play, in both The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker?
Q5) Finally … the first Invictus Games were opened: on 10th September, 2014.   The next Invictus Games will be held in 2016: in which US state?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 9th September saw California admitted to the USA.   Was it the 30th, 31st or 32nd state to do so?
A1) The 31st.
Q2) It was admitted in which year of the 1850s?
A2) 1850.
Q3) What’s the capital of California?
Q4) What’s the state’s largest city: Sacramento, Los Angeles or San Francisco?
Q5) Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer represent California, where: the US House of Representatives, the US Senate or the Californian State Legislature?
A5) The US Senate.
Q6) The largest publicly traded company in California — as of 2011 — is headquartered in San Ramon.   Which energy company are we talking about?
A6) Chevron.
Q7) Which industry is famously based in California’s Silicon Valley: the energy industry, the technology industry or financial services?
A7) The Technology industry.
Q8) The LA Clippers, the Sacramento Kings and the Golden State Warriors are all from California.   Which sport do they play?
Q9) The USA’s film industry in centred in California: in Hollywood.   Hollywood is a district of which US city?
Q10) Finally … current film, Straight Outta Compton, is about which Californian rap band?
A10) NWA.
I’ll leave you with this verse …
“We don’t have to know,

only to be:

let go the jumble of worn words,

reason and vanity.”

Star by Day, H.D, (Hilda Doolittle) September 10, 1886 – September 27, 1961.
And with something by Boris Tchaikovsky

Have a good day.

*        Veep‡, you say, Debbi?   I’ll have to keep an eye open for that one.   (Is it just me, though, Debbi, or are services like Netflix going to be game-changers?   I mean, I’ve just watched the first series of their version of House of Cards: which hasn’t been anywhere near a terrestrial TV channel!)

†        It’s good to see you back, Olga.   And it’s a pleasure: putting your link in the sidebar is my way of saying ‘thank you’ to my regulars.

‡        Oh, it’s by Armando Iannucci?   He’s the chap, Debbi, who wrote The Thick Of It: which — in the UK, at least — is what Peter Capaldi’s VERY well known for!   (Oh, there’s a BIT of swearing in the clip … !)


  1. Q1) 10th September, 1973, saw which fashion company open a department store on Kensington High Street: Mary Quant, Biba or Burberry? Biba
    Q2) Hamida Djandoubi became the last person to be executed in France: on 10th September, 1977. How was he executed: by hanging, guillotine or firing squad? By guillotine
    Q3) Which neutral European country joined the United Nations: on 10th September, 2002? Switzerland
    Q4) 10th September, 2014, saw the death of actor, Richard Kiel. Who did he play, in both The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker? Jaws
    Q5) Finally … the first Invictus Games were opened: on 10th September, 2014. The next Invictus Games will be held in 2016: in which US state? Florida
    I hope you get the needed equipment soon, but I take note on issues when ordering from Hong Kong, for future reference.
    I didn't know Richard Kiel had died until I saw your question. What a shame!

  2. Netflix is a definite game-changer! :)

    1. Biba
    2. guillotine
    3. Switzerland
    4. Jaws
    5. Florida


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