
Saturday 17 October 2015

Dr Who Series 9: Episode 5 — The Girl Who Died

From L to R, Jenna Coleman, Peter Capaldi
 and Maisie Williams as Clare, the Dr and Ashildr


You know, I’m a Dr Who fan.

You’ve possibly noticed, haven’t you … ?

After all, I’ve made no secret of the fact, over the years.

I’ve ALSO made no secret of the fact the term ‘Whovian’ is something I find personally annoying: but that’s me.

I’m a Dr Who fan.   Rather than something that sounds like a vacuum cleaner.

But I’m digressing, here.

I’m a Dr Who fan.   One who’s been watching the original from about the age of five — since Anna, the eldest of my two sisters, was born — until it was cancelled.

And the rebooted since it started in 2005.

I’m also a fan who’s aware both versions of the show has had it’s ups and downs.

And one thinking that tonight’s episode — The Girl Who Died*, the fifth episode of series nine,  Peter Capaldi’s second series in the role, and one of two appearances of Game of Thrones star, Maisie Williams — is a bloody cracker of an episode.

The pre-title teaser shows us the Doctor making an impromptu rescue of Clara: stuck in a spacesuit, in deep space, with SOMETHING intent on crawling up her leg.

And making a brief stop on Earth, so the Doctor  can clean his shoes.

The duo are immediately captured by Vikings and force marched to the Viking’s village.

That’s where the fun starts.

Because that’s when Odin turns up: demanding the villages best and bravest join him in Valhalla.

Which includes Clara.   AND Ashildr, played by Maisie Williams.

You can tell things are going to be … interesting … 


Now … ?

Good … ?

Oh, YES … !

I’ve got To admit, thus far, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed series 9 of Dr Who.   The four episodes has given us cracking characterisations, with Capaldi and Cole on VERY good form.

In fact … ?

I think their performances in The Girl Who Died being the best so far: cliche though that may be.

I’m ALSO thinking this episode — in particular — has also contributed to the Dr Who background universe.

One scene shows us Clara andy the Doctor’s discussion after the death of Ashildr: the Doctor is feeling remorseful about his own apparently inability to do anything about it.

Until he realises why his 12th body has the face it has.

He’s chosen it to remind himself that he can, and must, save people, every chance he can.

Please note that word, ‘chosen.’

However subconsciously, the Doctor has chosen his face.

That’s something to add to the Dr Who Legendarium.


There’s something else, as well.

I can’t not talk about The Girl Who Died without mentioning the girl, herself: Ashildr — pronounced a-SHILL-der, in the episode — played by Maisie Williams.

I have to confess, I’ve been watching Game of Thrones, as and when I can: and know perfectly well the series is both very watchable, AND has some very strong characters.

Arya Stark — damaged by the death of her father in that first series, and understandable coping as well as she can in a dangerous world —is one of them.

Arya is another strong, feisty, female character played by Maisie Williams.

I have to say, I think Ms Williams plays her role well: both in Game of Thrones, and in The Girl Who Died.

OK, granted we know she’s back, next week.

But, tonight … ?

Maisie Williams, at the end, stole the show.

Without even speaking.

Fair play to her.

*        As a footnote?   It seems the director of tonight’s episode, Edward Bazalgette, used to be the guitarist for The Vapors.   They did this … 

(That’s him with the SG …)

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