
Sunday 25 October 2015

Dr Who Series 9: Episode 6 — The Woman Who Lived

They say … 

Hmmm … 

That’s something of a classic way to open a story, isn’t it?

They say’ … rapidly followed by whatever it is that’s said …

And a brief explanation of whoever it is that’s doing the saying.

Although, in saying that … ?

I, personally, wasn’t necessarily going to fill in the details of what was being said: or who was saying it.

No, I just wanted to use ‘They say’ as an opening line.

Play fair: when else would I get the chance … ?


At any rate … ?

That’s sort of beside the point: and not, initially what I wanted to discuss.

No … I’m wanting to tell you about last night.

Did I tell you I’m working in a local fast-food restaurant?

I am.

I work shifts, at that.

So, last night … ?   Last night, I watched yesterday’s episode of Dr WhoThe Woman Who Lived — after I got home.

At something like one in the morning … 

I’ve just literally finished watching it for a second time.

And yes … 

I’m impressed.


The Woman Who Lives follows last week’s The Girl Who Dies: and opens by showing us a stagecoach.

One in The process of being held up by a highwayman called … THE NIGHTMARE … !

It’s only when the Nightmare’s attempted robbery is interrupted by the arrival of the Doctor — minus Clara, for once, and looking for a piece of anachronistic alien technology — we find out the Nightmare … is actually Ashildr.

She’s survived for eight centuries, as a result of the Doctor’s help.

And … ?   What with one thing and another, she’s not happy about that.

Not happy … 

And wanting off the planet.

The fact she knows about the alien amulet the Doctor was after, wants it and knows perfectly well it could be key to getting off Earth … ?

Isn’t really helping … 


Now … ?

Up until now, I think series nine has given us some very strong two parters.   Effectively — and thus far — it’s given us three stories, spread over six episode.

Thus far … ?   Thus far, the The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived two parter is the strongest of the three stories.

All six episode have had good, strong scripts.

AND competent acting.

The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived, however … ?   Had both those: and, in focusing on the very human story — of what happens to Ashildr, how she deals with it, And how the Doctor must, in turn, deal with the consequences of his help — has made for some riveting television.

I also feel it has Capaldi doing a very good job in the lead role.   Aided and abetted by that superb writing: AND by the show-stealing Maisie Williams*: playing one of the few characters who’s the Doctor’s equal, if not his better … 

I can only hope the rest of series nine is this good.

Thus far … ?

It’s fantastic … 

*        That particular scene … ?   It’s not often I call a scene heartbreaking, but that qualifies … 

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