
Sunday 1 November 2015

The Daily Teaser — 1-11-2015

Would you mind if I got blurry at you … ?

Or, at least, looked at you in a blurry way … ?

I have to admit to staying up rather late, last night: watching last night’s episode of Doctor Who, The Zygon Invasion.

Exciting stuff, I should add.

But, at any rate, that’s the latest I’ve — voluntarily — been up for some time!

With the net result … ?

That my eyes may see the glory of the coming of the lord: but only after I’ve gone back to bed for another half an hour … !


But let’s move on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* putting in her answers: scoring ten out of ten in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How toLicense and video … 

Q1) Which of William’s Shakespeare’s plays debuted: on 1st November, 1604: Othello or The Tempest?
Q2) Which of William’s Shakespeare’s plays debuted: on 1st November, 1611: The Tempest or Othello?
Q3) The Maastrict Treaty came into into effect: on 1st November, 1993.   What did this establish: the European Economic Community, the European Union or the European Central Bank?
Q4) 1st November, 1966, saw forces of the Viet Cong bomb the capital of South Vietnam.   What was the city called?
Q5) Finally … 1st November, 1920, saw the birth of ‘Whispering’ Ted Lowe.   Which sport did he — very quietly — commentate on?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 
Q1) 31st October is Halloween.   If you are celebrating Hop-tu-Naa, you’d be celebrating Halloween on which of the British Isles: Guernsey, the Isle of Mann or the Isle of Wight?
A1) The Isle of Mann.
Q2) More to the point the festival’s known as Allantide.   In which English county: Somerset, Dorset, Devon or Cornwall?
A2) Cornwall.
Q3) Traditionally, pumpkins are carved into lanterns for Halloween: what name is given to these lanterns?
Q4) The lanterns have another name, taken from ghostly lights seen over peat bogs.  These are Will O’the … what?
A4) Wisp.
Q5) The lanterns can also — in some parts of the UK — be made from what: the potato, the swede or the parsnip?
A5) The swede.   It’s also called a turnip, or rutabaga.   (What’s usually called a turnip in parts of the world, is a different vegetable.   In that respect, it’s much like Maize: which ALSO gets called corn.)
Q6) Who wrote the 1785 poem, Halloween: William McGonagle, Robert Burns or Lady Anne Barnard?
Q7) The Village Halloween Parade takes place annually: in which US city?
A7) New York: in Greenwich Village, to be precise.
Q8) Moving on, somewhat … what were traditionally given to the medieval trick-or-treaters: toffee apples, soul cakes or sugar mice?
Q9) Which cartoon series has a regular Halloween episode called Treehouse of Horror?
Q10) Finally … in parts of the world, hell houses are proving popular.   These are usually operated by whom: Orthodox synagogues, fundamentalist churches or Mormon missionaries?
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“As I see it, the sole motivating factor behind the death penalty is vengeance, not justice, and I firmly believe that a government that forbids killing among its citizens should not be in the business of killing people itself.”

Larry Flynt, born November 1, 1942.
And this tune … 

Enjoy your day … !

*        I’ll certainly TRY, Olga: I’ve the next few days off, so I can catch up on my sleep.   (Oh, sorry about the Swede question, Olga.   The name, turnip, actually gets applied to two different vegetables: one of which happens to be a Swede … !)

1 comment:

  1. I'm blurry this morning, too, but I wish I had a reason as good as fun tv for it. Just insomnia.


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