
Friday 25 December 2015

Dr Who Christmas Special — 25-12-2015: The Husbands of River Song

It’s Christmas Day.

You can TELL, can’t you … ?

Wrapping paper, everywhere, frustrations, toys getting thrown out of the pram … 

And that’s the grown ups … !

Of course the upside … ?

Is the new monitor and Apple TV I’ve been given.

AND how well a Certain Nephew felt about some Thunderbirds toys Santa brought him … !

If only that Turtle play set was as easy to assemble … 


However, that’s possibly a whole other story.

The one I managed to catch, getting home, tonight?

Was this year’s Dr Who Christmas special: The Husbands of River Song

The Christmas episode opens slowly, with Nardole (Matt Lucas) on a snowing street apparently looking for … someone.

And asking the Doctor, when he finds him, if he ‘is a surgeon.’

It s only when the Doctor replies with a yes,he get’s taken to a small house: where the planet’s ruler, the brutal King Hydroflax, is ill.

Someone’s attempted to shoot him throw the head, with a very large diamond.

Leaving the diamond lodged in his still living brain, and his wife DESPERATE to get help.

His wife … ?

Is River Song, played by Alex Kingston.

Ever get the feeling someone’s got an ulterior motive … ?


We quite possibly do, don’t we?

Now, I have to confess, I thoroughly enjoyed this Christmas episode.   Frankly?

Frankly, the Matt Smith/Stephen Moffat episodes were good … but maybe a touch too Christmassy.

The Husbands of River Song, on the other hand?

Was a different kettle of fish: allowing Moffat to examine River with a new Doctor: and Kingston to explore darker depths of the character, against a Doctor who is older … and FAR deeper … than she expected.

There’s a scene, near the end of the episode, when River finally realises who she’s dealer with, that says it all.   Kingston’s River, during the confrontation in the restaurant — on the spaceship —, just throws a glance at Capaldi’s Doctor … that says it all.

There’s a later scene: where she and the Doctor are discussing their meeting at the Singing Towers that’s possibly one of Moffat’s best scenes.

Personally … ?

I can’t help but think The Husbands of River Song — certainly in terms of emotional content — is one of Moffat’s best.

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