
Wednesday 16 December 2015

House of Cards — Series 2: Episode 8 and 9

You know, I THINK I’ve had a stressful day off.

No, really.

OK, I’ve little more than write Teasers: but I’ve ALSO been waiting for a call.

From BT, would you believe.

My broadband user seems unusually high: and NOT dropping, despite my efforts to keep an eye one these things.

And today has seen me trying to get BT to turn off a feature built into my router: that I can’t otherwise access.

It’s Wednesday.   ALSO know, to some of my fellow Twitter users, as Hump Day.

The fact the feature concerned still isn’t deactivated … ?

Means having the hump is putting it mildly … 


At ANY rate … ?

At any rate, I felt I was due a little … well … ME time!

Or, at least, a bit of time to catch up with something I’ve been watching: series 2 of House of Cards.   Episodes 8 and 9, if you hadn’t guessed.

And yes … it’s still looking good … 


Episode 8 sees Claire persuading Tricia — wife of President Walker — that her and her husband should seek marriage counselling: confession that she herself and Frank had had their own issues.   All the while … ?   However, Frank persuades Ray Tusk (Gerald McRaney) to reconcile with President Walker: whilst plotting with the President to make sure a trade-war stopping bridge project goes through.   It’s only when Tusk finds out Frank’s out-manuevered him … ?   That the tabloid press publishes a VERY incriminating photo … of Claire … 

Episode 9 sees Claire and Frank dealing with the aftermath of the photo being published: with the pair claiming the photo was a portrait shot taken by Adam Galloway, Claire’s former lover.   Adam, himself, is put out by this: as Tusk’s agent, Remy, is threatening all sorts of action aimed at Adam’s fiancee’s father, in Columbia.   In the meantime … ?   Freddy — a friend of Frank’s, and the owner of  Frank’s favourite restaurant — is in trouble.   A major franchising deal — offering a life-changing amount for his BBQ sauce recipe — is threatened: as Tusk has leaked details of both Freddy’s murky past: and that of Freddy’s son, Darnell.   The deal get’s called off … leaving Freddy without a business, and Frank having to walk away From one of his few friends.


Now … 

Good … ?

Oh, yes!

Now, I’ll admit to having had a bad few days: the whole thing with the broadband usage has left me stressed enough to feel VERY distracted.

And distracted enough to not give House of Cards series to as much attention as it deserves.

Or needs: that’s one large ensemble cast, after all, with a lot of plot threads.

However, tonight’s two episodes?   Have more than repaid me, I feel.   Episode 9, especially.   Directed by Jodie Foster — yes, THAT Jodie Foster — in focusing on Freddy, it’s had me riveted!

Personally … ?

I’m glad, on the strength of the series so far.

And looking forward to the next episodes … 

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