
Friday 8 January 2016

House of Cards — Series 2: Episodes 12 and 13

You know, I have to confess to feeling under The weather, at the moment.

No, really.

I’ve come down with a cold.

And, to talk to … ?

You’d quite probably be sitting there thinking, “God, but Paul sounds rough!”

At least, rougher than usual!

It meant that last night, instead of what I’d been planning to do — watch the last two episodes of Series 2 of House of Cards — I got a SERIOUSLY early night.

I headed to bed about 8: stressed out after waiting around for a four terabyte hard-drive: and feeling distinctly unwell, to boot.

Tonight, though … ?

Tonight, I’m feeling a touch better.

Well … 

I’ve had more sleep.   AND … ?   Well, frankly, I’ve had enough Lemsip and nasal decongestant to worry a rhino.

But at least leave me able to watch these last two episode: AND tell you about it … 


Episode 12 sees President Walker accusing Frank of trying to engineer his downfall: and cuts off contact with his vice president.   In the meantime … ?   Prosecutor Dunbar and Secretary of State Durant are convinced — by Frank — to offer asylum to Xander Feng: in return for details on the money laundering scheme run by Raymond Tusk.   Ray Tusk, of course, is subpoenaed to appear before Dunbar: and pleads the fifth, confident he’s going to be pardoned.   Whilst THIS is going on … ?   Frank And Claire convince Jacqueline, Frank’s replacement as whip, that impeaching President Walker is the only way to avoid Democratic loses at the midterm elections.   AND get herself a plum job, if Frank is named as President Walker’s replacement.

Episode 13, the last of the series, sees President Walker offering Raymond Tusk a pardon: IF Ray Tusk implicating Frank in the money laundering scheme.   He … ?   Seemingly accepts.   Only to have Garrett Walker withdraw the offer, once he and Frank have reconciled.   The arc of the episode … ?   Sees Ray Tusk being called before a Congress … and deciding to implicate the President in the money-laundering scheme, forcing Walker to resign his offer, and hand Frank the White House.


Now … 

Good … ?

Oh yes … !

Now, I’ll happily admit to having been heavily distracted watching the bulk of series 2 in The run up to Christmas.


That doesn’t mean I’ve not been engrossed: just somewhat distracted.

Series two of House of Cards has left me thinking I’ll invest in Series three.

I want to see what Frank and Claire do next … 

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