
Thursday 14 January 2016

The Daily Teaser — 14-1-2016: Titan, and Other Moons … 

Oh, right … 

That’s what happened … 

Remember, yesterday, I told you I’d slept through my alarm?

Well, I think I can say I was wrong.

What I’d ACTUALLY done?   Was set it for the wrong time.

Which was kind of awkward.

ESPECIALLY … as it went off at three in the afternoon.

When I was at work.

Yeah … 

That was awkward … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 14th January saw the Huygens probe land on the moon, Titan.   Titan orbits which planet of the solar system?
Q2) The landing took place in which year?
Q3) The probe was launched by from the Cassini probe: named after Giovanni Cassini.   Giovanni Cassini discovered four of Titan’s neighbouring moons.   Name one of those neighbours.
Q4) Cassini was born in what’s now which country?
Q5) Titan was discovered by Christiaan Huygens: the man the probe was named after.   Huygens was from which European country?
Q6) Titan is the only moon — of its planet, or in our solar system — to have a dense atmosphere.   That atmosphere largely consists of which gas: nitrogen, oxygen or chlorine?
Q7) Titan’s lakes are liquid what: hydrocarbons, alcohols or alkalis?
Q8) Titan is larger — by volume — than our solar system’s smallest planet.   What’s that small planet called?
Q9) Titan is the second largest moon in our solar system.   The largest is Ganymede: which orbits which planet?
Q10) Finally … Which science fiction writer wrote The Sirens Of Titan: Isaac Asimov, Kurt Vonnegut or Harry Harrison?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 13th January, 1960, saw Gulags abolished by the Soviet Union.   Gulags were Soviet what: labour camps, prisons or mental hospitals?
A1) Forced labour camps.
Q2) 13th January, 2001, saw an earthquake hit San Salvador.   City and earthquake were in which Central American country?
A2) El Salvador.
Q3) 13th January, 1966, saw the birth of actor, Patrick Dempsey.   In his spare time, Dempsey’s a noted amateur what: angler, motor racer or base jumper?
Q4) Comedian, Bill Bailey, was born on 13th January, 1955.   Famously, he has a species of what named after him: turtle, rose or pitcher plant?
Q5) Finally … 13th January, 1961 saw the birth of singer, Suggs.   Which Ska band was he the singer for?
A5) Madness.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“On Titan the molecules that have been raining down like manna from heaven for the last 4 billion years might still be there largely unaltered deep-frozen awaiting the chemists from Earth.”

Carl Sagan.
And this song … 

Have a good day … 

*        Oh, THAT it is, Debbi!


  1. Q1) Saturn
    Q2) 2005
    Q3) Iapetus
    Q4) Italy
    Q5) The Netherlands
    Q6) Nitrogen
    Q7) Hydrocarbons
    Q8) Mercury
    Q9) Jupiter
    Q10) Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

  2. Whew! This one is a workout for me! :)

    1. Saturn
    2. 2005
    3. Rhea
    4. Italy
    5. the Netherlands
    6. nitrogen
    7. hydrocarbons
    8. Mercery
    9. Jupiter
    10. Kurt Vonnegut


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