
Tuesday 19 January 2016

The Daily Teaser — 19-1-2016

Well, that was fun.

Did I mention last night was the official staff Christmas do, last night?

We had the official staff do, last night.

At a bowling alley in Romford: ironically, next to Kidspace, one of my nephew’s favourite places.

I think I did rather well for myself.   I’m blowed if I can remember my score for the first game, but did manage 108 on the second.   I think switching to heavier balls — and occasionally using my off-hand — helped.

I’m pleased with that score.

And with the evening, overall.

I think we can safely say everyone had a good night.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s Teaser, shall we?

Here it is, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 19th January, 1920, saw the US Senate vote against joining what: the United Nations, the League of Nations or the European Economic Community?
Q2) NASA launched the New Horizons probe: on 19th January, 2006.   Which planet was it heading for?
Q3) More to the point, in which year did the probe GET to its destination?
Q4) 19th January, 1983, saw the arrest of Nazi war criminal, Klaus Barbie: in Bolivia.   Barbie had been known as the ‘Butcher of ’ … where?
Q5) 19th January, 1966, saw the birth of director, Antoine Fuqua.   Which of his films stars Will Smith and Ethan Hawke as a pair of LA drug cops?
Q6) Finally … File sharing site, Megaupload, was closed down by the FBI: on 19th January, 2012.   Where was Megaupload based: Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 18th January, 1943, saw the start of a Jewish upraising: in a ghetto in which city?
A1) Warsaw.
Q2) 18th January, 1919, saw the founding of Bentley Motors.   But in which part of London: Cricklewood, Dollis Hill or Kilburn?
Q3) Wilhelm 1st was named as Emperor of Germany, on 19th January, 1871.   This marks the period Germans call what: the First, Second or Third Reich?
A3) The Second Reich.
Q4) Albert De Salvo was convicted on various charges of rape, on 18th January, 1967.   He was also linked to the murders committed by which unidentified killer?
Q5) Finally … 18th January, 1963, saw the death of Hugh Gaitskill.   Gaitskill led which British political party: Labour, Liberal or Conservative?
A5) Labour.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“Birds I am fine with - spiders are an entirely different matter.”

Tippi Hedren, born January 19, 1930.
And this tune … 

Have a good day … 

*        It always amazes me what we can find out, sometimes, Olga.   (As far as I know, Kilburn High Road is one of the few streets in London to have a band named after it, just to give you an example.)

†        I read about that, Debbi: I managed to look up the games, on the train over to Romford.   (Couldn’t have done that, ten years ago: technology changes so fast … !)


  1. Q1) The League of the Nations
    Q2) Pluto (is it still a planet? I thought it had been downgraded) It seems it’s a minor or dwarf planet. Discrimination methinks?
    Q3) 14th July 2015
    Q4) Lyon
    Q5) 19th January, 1966, saw the birth of director, Antoine Fuqua. Which of his films stars Will Smith and Ethan Hawke as a pair of LA drug cops? There is one with Ethan Hawke and Wesley Snipes called Brooklyn’s Finest, but that’s evidently New York not LA, Training Day is the same director, Ethan Hawke and Denzel Washington, but no Will Smith. This is in LA. Is this an error?
    Q6) Hong-Kong

    I'm pleased to hear you had a good evening. I'm terrible at bowling. I start not too badly and manage to get steadily worse with practice...

  2. So true ...! :)

    1. the League of Nations
    2. Pluto
    3. 2015
    4. Lyon
    5. Training Day (it was Denzel Washington & Ethan Hawke, not Will Smith:
    6. Hong Kong


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