
Tuesday 26 January 2016

The Daily Teaser — 26-1-2016

You know, you can tell it’s a Tuesday, can’t you?

At least, I can: I only have to look at the date on my computer screen, to see the calendar.

The other reason I know … ?   Is that yesterday was Monday.

Which means I’ve got last’s episode of Gotham on.

Complete with Cameron Monaghan doing his thing as Jerome … 

Riveting stuff … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Lane was ordained, on 26th January, 2015.   As the first female bishop for whom: the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of England or the Russian Orthodox Church?
Q2) An earthquake hit Gujarat: on the 26th January, 2001.   Gujarat is a state in which federal republic?
Q3) 26th January is Australia Day.   The public holiday marks the day European colonists landed in Port Jackson: in what’s now which Australian city?
Q4) 26th January, 1837, saw the 26th state of the USA join the union.   Which state are we talking about?
Q5) Finally … the Great Blizzard hit Ohio and the Great Lakes area: on 26th January of which year of the 1970s?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th January is Burns Night: celebrating the work of Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns.   His birth place was Alloway: in which ceremonial Scottish county?
A1) Ayrshire.
Q2) Which of Burns’ works is traditionally sung on New Year’s Eve?
Q3) Which of his poems opens with the line, ‘Wee, sleekit, cow’rin, tim’rous beastie’?
Q4) The first published book of Burns’ poetry was originally called Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.   It’s also called the what volume: Kilmarnock, Kilwinning or Wishaw?
A4) The Kilmarnock Volume.
Q5) Finally … as well as being a poet and farmer, Burns worked as what: an exciseman, MP or cheese-maker?
A5) An exciseman.
I’ll leave you with this experience …
“Millions of words have been written about these horror camps, many of them by inmates of those unbelievable places.   I’ve tried, without success, to describe it from my own point of view, but the words won’t come.   To me Belsen was the ultimate blasphemy.”

Michael Bentine, (26 January 1922 – 26 November 1996) speaking of his experiences in the British Army.
And this tune … 

Have a good day …

*        I know, Olga, I know.   And that’s before you get into the really odd stuff: like Liberties, and Hundreds … !

†        What surprised and angered me, Debbi, is that it’s something that was fairly recent: the idea of something so damn Victorian, happening as recently as 2003?   It’s … well … the mind boggles … 


  1. It is awful, but you wouldn't believe the racial and ethnic discrimination that goes on in this country. Talk about antiquated and ignorant thinking!!

    1. the Church of England
    2. India
    3. Sydney
    4. Michigan
    5. 1978

  2. Q1) Church of England
    Q2) India
    Q3) Sidney
    Q4) Michigan
    Q5) 1978


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