
Monday 4 January 2016

The Daily Teaser — 4-1-2015

Again with the Amazon delivery … !

You know I’ve had an internal hard drive on order?

Since Tuesday, so you know.

And one that was supposed to get here, on New Year’s Eve.

And didn’t.

It got re-scheduled for yesterday.

And still didn’t arrive.

Amazon have assured me it’s due, today.

Are you feeling vaguely cynical?

I know I am … !

That’s a hell of a way to start some time off!


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are along with the How toLicense and video … 

Q1) 4th January, 1884, saw the founding of the Fabian Society.   The left leaning campaign group was founded in which UK city?
Q2) Sofia was freed from Ottoman rule: on the 4th January, 1878.   Sofia is the capital city of which East European country?
Q3) Burma gained its independence from the UK: on the 4th January, 1948.   Burma is more properly known as the Republic of the Union of where?
Q4) 4th January, 1999, saw former wrestler, Jesse Ventura sworn in: as governor of which US state?
Q5) Finally … 4th January, 1813, saw the birth of Sir Isaac Pitman.   The form of shorthand he developed is known as Pitman … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 3rd January, 1957, saw the introduction of the Hamilton Electric 500: the world’s first electric what?
A1) Watch.
Q2) 3rd January, 2009, saw the initial activity of Bitcoin.   Bitcoin is a virtual what: game, currency or cheese?
A2) Currency.
Q3) 3rd January, 1937, saw the birth of television producer, Glen A. Larson.   Which of the shows he produced, starred Gil Gerald as the main character?
Q4) Manuel Noriega surrendered to US forces: on the 3rd January, 1990.   Which country had Noriega been dictator of?
A4) Panama.
Q5) Finally … In preparation for the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, 3rd January, 1945, saw whom named as commander of US naval forces?
A5) Admiral Chester W. Nimitz.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“If you do anything for too long, it starts to lack edge, to become too easy. Easy is the kiss of death.” 

Julia Ormond, born 4th January, 1965.
And this tune, as today marks the birthday of Talk Talk frontman, Mark Hollis … 

Have a good day.

*        Possibly, you know me too well, Debbi! :D


  1. Could be! :) I've been feeling cynical for quite a while now, so join the club! :D

    1. London
    2. Bulgaria
    3. Myanmar
    4. Minnesota
    5. shorthand

    Speaking of elected officials, please PRAY that Trump doesn't win the Republican nomination! The man is ... idiotic beyond all belief!

  2. Q1) London
    Q2) Bulgaria
    Q3) Republic of the Union of Myanmar
    Q4) Minnesota
    Q5) Shorthand
    E-mail Jeff Bezos if they don't turn up. All e-mails are answered (not personally by him, evidently, but...)


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