
Tuesday 2 February 2016

The Daily Teaser — 2-2-2016

Remember me saying, yesterday, that Lincolnshire County Council had been hit by ransomware?

Well, it seems the council has its systems back up: after taking them off-line for a few days.

The BBC article mentions that the ransomware kicked off after an email was opened.   Which only confirms what I thought might have happened.

Somehow, something got through their spam filters!

I hope Brentwood Council’s paying attention …


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s teaser saw both Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: both scoring six out of six in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 2nd February, 1979, saw the death of Sex Pistols bassist, Sid Vicious.   After an overdose of what: cocaine, heroin or Calpol?
Q2) Making A Living premiered: on the 2nd February, 1914.   The film was the first starring appearance by whom?
Q3) 2nd February, 1653, saw the formal incorporation of New Amsterdam.   The city is now known as New … what?
Q4) Alexander Selkirk was rescued: on 2nd February, 1709.   Which Daniel Dafoe novel did this inspire?
Q5) Finally … the current Grand Central Station was opened on 2nd February, 1913.   The station is in which US city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st February, 2004, saw Janet Jackson — accidentally — expose a breast during the halftime show at the Superbowl.   It’s famously been referred to as a what malfunction?
A1) A wardrobe malfunction.
Q2) More to the point, that year’s Superbowl was being held in which Texan city?
A2) Houston.
Q3) 1st February, 1968, saw a Viet Cong officer shot by the head of Saigon’s police.   During which war?
A3) The Vietnam War.   (The photo, taken by Eddie Adams, is notorious.)
Q4) London’s tallest building, the Shard, was opened to the public: on 1st February, 2013.   Which media company is based in the Shard?
Q5) 1st February, 1915, saw the birth of footballer, Sir Stanley Matthews.   Name either of the football clubs he played for.   (Club sides, I should stress: in this case, the national side, England, doesn’t count.)
Q6) Finally … 1st February, 1984, saw the Chancellor announce which coin was to be withdrawn from circulation?
A6) The half-penny, or ½p.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“There was nothing like shared meals, so the experts at IBM claimed, for overcoming one's basic disbelief in the existence of other people.”
Concepts by Thomas M Disch, February 2, 1940 – July 4, 2008.
And this song … 

Have a good day.

*      Yeah, I’m not sure WHAT happened there, Olga: Blogspot refused to accept anymore text, after about halfway through the day before yesterday’s fifth answer.   And my condolences on your fathers loss … the grieving process does take its time, doesn’t it?   (I think the pound coin was a little later: either way, the ha’penny going was no loss … )

†        Always preferred Queen, myself, Debbi!   (If you’re going to do it … over do it!!)


  1. I don’t know what happened, yesterday, Olga: but today’s went through with no problem!

  2. Q1) Heroin
    Q2) Charlie Chaplin
    Q3) York
    Q4) Robinson Crusoe
    Q5) New York
    It must have been contagious as I'm not feeling too well today.

  3. I'm partial to Queen myself! :) But the Who could really destroy a stage (not to mention a hotel room! :))

    1. heroin
    2. Charlie Chaplin
    3. York
    4. Robinson Crusoe
    5. New York City


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