
Friday 12 February 2016

The Friday Question Set — 12-2-2016

That’s unfortunate … 

I’m still, dispute being notionally working, at home.

I’m off ill, if you must know: with some serious stomach cramps.

I should be well enough to go back to work, tomorrow, though.

At least, I hope so: I can ill afford to lose the hours.


But let’s get moving on, shall we?

After all, it’s Friday: and, whatever my troubles, that means it’s time for the Friday Question Set.

Here’s this week’s set: covered by the usual Creative Commons License* … 

Online 325

Q1) Which Girls took Sound of the Underground to No.1?
A1) Girls Aloud.

Q2) Pisces — the star sign — is traditionally represented by two … what?
Q2) Fish.

Q3) Franz Mesmer is usually considered to be the founder of what: hypnotism, psychology or train-spotting?
A3) Hypnotism.

Q4) What tree does the date grow on?
A4) Palm.

Q5) What lives in a holt: an otter, bee or raven?
A5) An otter.

Q6) In the nursery rhyme, what did Tom, Tom, the piper’s son, steal?
A6) A pig.

Q7) The Americans call it Checkers: what’s the English name?
A7) Draughts.

Q8) Du Gamla, Du Fria is the national anthem of where: Norway, Sweden or Denmark?
A8) Sweden.

Q9) What do entomologist’s study?
A9) Insects.

Q10) What can be upside down, Ginger, or Dundee?
A10) A cake.


Q11) What’s the name of the pub, in EastEnders?
A11) The Queen Victoria.   (Accept ‘Queen Vic’)

Q12) Which Emmerdale family include Sam & Delilah?
A12) Dingle.

Q13) What, exactly, was Trevor Jordache buried under, in Brookside?
A13) The patio.

Q14) In which street is Neighbours set?
A14) Ramsey Street.

Q15) In Coronation Street, what was Cilla’s surname, before she married Les Battersby?
A15) Brown

Q16) In which soap is there a pub called The Bull?
A16) The Archers

Q17) Which British soap was set in a motel?
A17) Crossroads

Q18) What was the name of the first major soap in the USA?
A18) Peyton Place.

Q19) Which Channel 4 soap is set in Chester?

Q20) Joe Fenton, Cherri Clay and Dr Brendan ‘Mac’ McGuire are current or former characters: on which daytime soap?
A20) Doctors.   You can find a list, here


Q21) Which cocktail would you find in a cocktail?
A21) A screwdriver.   (Vodka & Orange.)

Q22) Which cereal is the Russian drink, kvass made from, rye, wheat, or barley?
A22) Rye.

Q23) Drambuie is traditionally made from Scotch whiskey, and what else?
A23) Honey.

Q24) What spice is used in a whisky sling?
A24) Nugmeg.

Q25) Three ingredients are used in a Harvey Wallbanger: name one of them.   (Bonus point for one of the other two, three points for all three.)
A25) Vodka, Orange Juice and Galliano.

Q26) What is added to brandy to turn it into a sidecar?
A26) Cointreau.

Q27) Rye whiskey, Angostura bitters and vermouth, is a cocktail named after where, Queens, Manhattan or Harlem?
A27) Manhattan.

Q28) The Talisker distillery is where: the Isle of Skye, the Isle of Mann or the Isle of Wight?
A28) The Isle of Skye.

Q29) Two fruit juices are used to make a whisky sour:- name one of them.   (Bonus point for both.)
A29) Orange and lemon.

Q30) What type of plant is tequila made from?
A30) A cactus.


Q31) What drug is Alexander Fleming famed for discovering?
A31) Penicillin.

Q32) Wilhelm Röntgen discovered which rays?
A32) X-rays.

Q33) What nationality was scientist and philosher, Aristotle?
A33) Greek.

Q34) Marie Curie was one of the two discoverers of radium: what was her husband’s name?
A34) Pierre.   (Pierre was the other one involved in the research.)

Q35) Which Thomas invented the lightbulb?
A35) Thomas Edison.

Q36) George Stephenson invented what type of engine?
A36) The steam engine.

Q37) The Penny Black was the world’s first adhesive stamp.   In what way was the Penny Red a first?
A37) First stamp with perforated edges.

Q38) Which Italian painter drew early designs of the helicopter?
A38) Leonardo Da Vinci.

Q39) Who first developed shorthand: Isaac Pitman or Isaac Hayes?
A39) Isaac Pitman.

Q40) The British Medical Journal, the Annals of Mathematics and Nature are all scientific … what?
A40) Journals.   In other words, they’re academic works, with news on scientific research.   (As distinct from something like New Scientist or Scientific American, which are science magazines: in other words, magazines that carry science news, aimed at the layman.)


Q41) Which country has the driest inhabited area, on the planet?
A41) Egypt.

Q42) Which Cornish village suffered a freak flash flood, in2004?
A42) Boscastle.

Q43) What name is given the day of the year, when the Equator is furthest from the sun?
A43) The Winter Solstice.

Q44) Which county of England is the wettest?
A44) Cumbria.

Q45) What travels faster, a cold front, or a warm front?
A45) A cold front.

Q46) Which sea, and shipping area,  is to the immediate south of Ireland?
A46) Fastnet.

Q47) Over which North American mountain range does the Chinook blow?
A47) The Rockies

Q48) Which 1990s Eurovision winner shares their name with a devatating hurricane?
A48) Katrina, of Katrina and the Waves.

Q49) The name of which type of cloud is also the Latin word for a lock of hair?
A49) Cirrus.

Q50) What is the Fata Morgana?
A50) A mirage.


Q51) Who is the famous son of Uther Pendragon

Q52) Camelot run what: the BBC, the National Lottery or Transport for London?
A52) The National Lottery.

Q53) What is the term for a fear of enclosed spaces?

Q54) ‘Muster’ is the collective name for a group of which bird?
A54) Peacocks.   (Or Peafowl, if you want to be picky.)

Q55) Which day of the week is named after the Norse god, Thor?
A55) Thursday.

Q56) Ailurophobia is an unreasoning fear of animal?
A56) Cats.

Q57) Shaft, Meteor and Onward are all examples of which vegetable?
A57) Peas.

Q58) What are the odds of rolling a ten, with two six sided dice: 10 to 1, 11 to 1, or 12 to 1?
A58) 11 to 1.   (The link takes you to Caltech’s probability chart: and tells you the odds are 3 in 36.   3 in 36 is equivalent to 1 in 12, or 11 to 1. In other words, there’s 12 possible events.   The ways of phrasing it tell you i) There’s 12 events, one of which is the one you want, or ii) there’s 12 events, one of which you want and eleven that you don’t.)

Q59) Mohammad Reza Pahlevi was the last royal ruler of where: Iran, Iraq or Syria?
A59) Iran.   (He was the last Shah.)

Q60) In the standard UK version of Monopoly, how much does it cost to buy Bow Street?
A60) £180.00.

I hope those are useful … 

*        In other words, you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated: as would pressing my donate button, here.   Every penny is gratefully received.

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