
Sunday 14 February 2016

The Strain Series 1 — Episodes 3 & 4: Gone Smooth and It’s Not for Everyone.

You know, I’m glad that stopped.

The snow, before you ask.

We’ve just had a brief smattering of it, if you’re wondering.

Which hasn’t settled, thankfully.

Although, frankly?   I’m very aware my five year old nephew, Jude, will be sorry he missed it.


At any rate … you’re probably wondering what on EARTH I’m doing on Saint Valentine’s night?

Frankly … ?   I’m happily single.

And, despite the best efforts of the Brentwood Gazette — no, don’t ask! — I’m ALSO not doing anything, tonight.

Having been perfectly happy with dinner with my family.

And having got back home … ?

Catching a couple of episodes of a box set I bought on iTunes.

You’re right … 

Two more episodes of series one of … The Strain … 


Episode 3 — Gone Smooth — sees Fet — a shady Ukrainian-American pest exterminator — finishing a job for a posh, but snotty, banker.   And, after he leaves?   Noticing rats fleeing the sewers of New york: and heading for the nearest river.

In the meantime, Abraham Setrakian is released from prison: having promised to melt down his sword stick.   Meeting with Nora, after his case is dismissed, he tells her only what he has stated before: that the bodies of the plane’s passengers must be destroyed, and that any survivors must be equally heavily dealt with.

Talking of whom?   Singer, Gabe Bolivar, is hearing a persistent ringing in his ears: and finding he’s having problems using the toilet.   Ansel is back at the family home … and drinking blood from a raw steak in the family fridge.

Captain Redfern being monitored by Eph and Nora.   Who vanishes from his room.

When he vanishes?   Eph and Nora — accompanied by Jim (Sean Astin) — follow him: finally finding him in haematology cold room, drinking blood.

And having to defend themselves, when he attacks.

Episode 4 — It’s Not for Everyone — sees Eph, Nora and Jim doing an autopsy on Captain Redfern.   And finding that whatever it is he was turning into, was taking him away from his human roots.

It’s only AFTER they’ve burnt the body that Jim makes a confession: it was he that let the van with the box that seems to be the cause of Redfern’s condition, through the cordon and out of New York City.

Meanwhile … ?   Gus, and his friend, Felix, steal a car: intent on making some money for themselves.   And find that the fence they were going to sell the car to, is offering a lot less than they were expecting.

After Eph and Nora hear have burnt Redfern’s body — and walked away from Jim, disgusted at his actions — they decided to visit another of the victims: a child called Emma Arnot, who they believed was dead but who they’d been told had gone back home.

It’s only when they get there they find out Emma … is much more changed than the late Captain Redfern.

As is her father.

And that the only person who knows how to deal with victims of the plague … ?

Is Abraham Setrakian, and his very sharp sword stick


Now … 

Good … ?

It has to be said, I’ve not — over the past few years — seen much on regular TV stations I want to watch: with the possibly exception of Gotham and Dr Who.

From where I’m sitting, though … ?

Some of the box sets doing the video-on-demand rounds are extremely watchable: well written, with sympathetic characters, and strong plots that are a pleasure to follow.

Given that sort of definition?

I will happily admit The Strain — at least, the four episodes I’ve seen so far — is only different … because my first instinct, right now, is to have another episode.


I don’t know.


Hell, yeah!

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