
Wednesday 2 March 2016

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 2-3-2016

Right … 

Again, with the whole Wednesday thing: and yes … 

Today, I’m at work, today.

I’ll be off in a few minutes time, in fact.

After I’ve done the important thing.

Yes … 

I’m going to make myself … a packed lunch … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

I’d like to get those sandwiches done!

It’s a Wednesday: which mean’s it’s time for the Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser.

Here’s this week’s set, covered by the usual Creative Commons License* …
Q1) 2nd March saw the formal chartering of the UK’s College of Arms.   By which English king: Richard 1st, Richard 2nd or Richard 3rd?
Q2) In which year of the 1480s: 1482, 1484 or 1486?
Q3) The College of Arms covers every country of the UK: apart from where?
Q4) The equivalent body in that part of the UK is the Court of the Lord what: Lyon, Brick or Nestlé?
Q5) The three senior officers of the College of Arms are are called whats of arms: Emperors, Kings, Queens or Princes?
Q6) The next rank down are called what: dukes, heralds or pursuivants?
Q7) If your coat of arms is the pattern the College of Arms calls ‘Chequy,’ it’s what sort of pattern: chequerboard, striped or honeycombed?
Q8) The shield in your coat of arms is ‘party per pale’.   This means it’s divided in half, how: horizontally, vertically or diagonally?
Q9) Two or more coats heraldic shields combined into one are said to be what: captained, generaled or marshaled?
Q10) What name is given to the various figures — usually animals — standing on either side of a heraldic shield: Standards, Supporters or Bearers†?
Here’s last week’s questions and answers …
Q1) 24th February, 1582, saw Pope 13th introduce the Gregorian Calendar.   With what: a Papal bull, letter or Encyclical?
Q2) The Gregorian Calendar replaced the Julian Calendar.   Who invented the Julian Calendar: Julia Domina, Julius Caesar or Jules Rimet?
Q3) In either calendar, how many whole days are there, in a non-leap year: 364, 365 or 366?
Q4) Again: in either calendar, how many days are there in a leap year: 364, 365 or 366?
Q5) The reforms Gregory introduced did what: increase the number of leap years, reduce the number of leap years or neither?
Q6) Gregory had reformed the calendar to correct the date of the vernal equinox.   In the northern hemisphere, that’s when: spring, summer or autumn?
Q7) The particular equinox was important to both church and pope: as it helped fix the date of which Christian festival: Holy Week, Easter Week or Whitsunday?
Q8) When Gregory introduced his reformed calendar, it removed how many days: 10, 12 or 14?
Q9) England and Wales started using the new calendar in which year: 1752, 1753 or 1754?
Q10) What was the last European country to adopt the calendar: the UK, Finland or Greece?
A1) A Papal Bull.   (They’re called ‘Bulls,’ after the type of seal used on them.)
A2) Julius Caesar.
A3) 365.
A4) 366.
A5) Reduce the number of leap years.
A6) Spring.   (Usually, it’s on March 21st: although it’s on the 20th of the next few years.)
A7) Easter week.
A8) 10.
A9) 1752.
A10) Greece.
Enjoy those … !

*        In other words, you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated: as would pressing my donate button, here.   Every penny is gratefully received.

†        As a point of complete trivia?   Brentwood Council’s coat of arms is usually described like this: ‘Per fesse rayonée Argent and Gules in chief a Cornish Chough proper between two Pilgrim’s Staves erect Sable in base three Ancient Crowns two and one Or.’   Apparently, the Cornish Chough, the bird, is a symbol of Saint Thomas.   Always thought it was a raven, myself …

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