
Sunday 13 March 2016

The Daily Teaser — 13-3-2016

You know, I THINK something’s happened … 

Possibly … 

Remember, yesterday was the first anniversary of the death of Sir Terry Pratchett’s death?

It was.

And I marked the day with yesterday’s Teaser … 

And … ?   By giving a friendly member of Maplins staffer my spare copy of Raising Steam.

I hope I don’t get in trouble.

I suddenly remembered, on the way back home, about the old Catalan tradition that forms the basis of World Book Night: of giving someone you fancy a book, as a token of affection.

I just hope the young lady doesn’t know that one: a boy could get in trouble … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw saw Olga* looking in, to tell us about her day: and also saw Debbi† leaving her answers, scoring twelve out of twelve in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 13th March, 1988, saw the opening of the Seikan Tunnel: then, the longest undersea tunnel on the planet.   The tunnel’s in which country: Japan, China or South Korea?
Q2) Who was elected as Pope: on 13th March, 2013?
Q3) 13th March, 1996, saw spree killer, Thomas Hamilton, kill 16 children.   In a primary school in which small Scottish town?
Q4) 13th March, 2007, saw the Bank of England issue a new £20 note.   The note features a picture of which economist?
Q5) Finally … Uranus was first observed on 13th March, 1781.   By which British astronomer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 12th March, 2015, saw the death of writer, Terry Pratchett.   His death was a result of complications from which disease?
Q2) He suffered with a version of the condition called Posterior Cortical … what?
A2) Posterior Cortical Atrophy.
Q3) Part of his early career was spent as a Press Officer for the Central Electricity Generating Board: and covered three nuclear power stations.   With what he called ‘impeccable timing,’ he got the job after what melted down?
A3) The Three Mile Island power plant.
Q4) Sir Terry had found fame as the novelist behind the Discworld series.   The Disc is a flat world on the back of four elephants on the back of a giant … what?
A4) Turtle: called A’Tuin. (What first interested me about Sir Terry’s work was the blurb on the back of The Colour of Magic: saying the Disc was ‘a flat world on the back of a giant turtle(sex unknown).’   That ‘sex unknown’ caught me.   So did the comedic logic of it.   If you’re an person living on such a world, the sex of the planet you’re living on is a big issue.   After all … what happens at mating time … ?)
Q5) What was the first book in the series called?
Q6) Sir Terry’s first Discworld novel for children was The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents.   Maurice was a talking … what?
A6) Cat.   (The book won the Carnegie Medal.)
Q7) Sir Terry was one of the first writers to communicate with his fans, over the Internet: initially, and famously, through is a newsgroup on what?
A7) Usenet.
Q8) In 2003, Sir Terry’s worked featured in the BBC’s Big Read list.   How many of his works featured in the top 100?
A8) Five: four written by himself, and one co-written with Neil Gaiman.
Q9) One of those books was co-written with Neil Gaiman.   What was it called?
Q10) Another of the books — Night Watch — has a cover based on which artist’s work?
A10) Rembrandt’s.
Q11) Sir Terry’s last Discworld novel was published posthumously: and called The Shepherd’s … what?
A11) The Shepherd’s Crown.
Q12) Finally … February, 2016, saw which English city approve plans for a statue of Sir Terry?
A12) Salisbury.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“The thing that I got a kick out of was... Jeopardy! showed a fold-in and the contestants all came up with the word they were looking for, which was ‘fold-in.’ So I realized, I created an English language word.”

Cartoonist, Al Jaffee, creator of the Mad fold-in, born 13th March, 1921.
And some soul … 

Have a good day … 

*        Oh, I THINK they’re looking up, Olga: unless I get a meaningful look from a member of staff at Maplins!   At any rate, a book is something to look at, certainly … !  ( Oh, HANG on, you lost your documents during that update … ?   Personally, it’s not been a problem I’ve ever had with a Mac … !   And usually, Time Machine’s very helpful when I do lose something.)

†        Oh, I wish, Debbi! :D   At any rate … ?   Handing out a Terry Pratchett book, yesterday was quite nice: it kind of spreads the word, and might well be something I do, again … so long as I don’t get caught … !


  1. Q1) Japan
    Q2) Pope Francis
    Q3) Dunblane
    Q4) Adam Smith
    Q5) William Herschel
    I hope you'll keep us posted...;)

  2. Could do much worse than giving out a Pratchett book! :)

    1. Japan
    2. Pope Francis
    3. Dunblane
    4. Adam Smith
    5. William Herschel


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