
Monday 14 March 2016

The X-Files 2016: Episode 6 — My Struggle, Pt 2

Oooooooh, but I HATE that … !

I’ve something of a genre TV fans.

One who spends little actual time watching TV.   Well …

Tv that hasn’t caught his eye …

One series that HAS caught my eye, over the years?

Is the all-American, paranoia-fest that IS … The X-Files.

And, as you can imagine?   The rebooted six-episode miniseries that’s been screened on Channel Five for the past few weeks, is something that I’ve been watching religiously.

Including tonight’s final episode: Episode Six,  called My Struggle, Pt 2.

And I have to ask …

Did anyone else fall off the edge of the cliff-hanger?

Episode Six,  — My Struggle, Pt 2 — sees Agent Scully — Gillian Anderson — arriving at the X-Files office at the FBI’s Washington HQ: only to find co-worker, and long time partner, Agent Mulder is missing.

Presumably, after watching a revamped Tad O’Malley show, online.

A show revealing some alarming truths.

Mulder, himself?   Has tracked down Cigarette Smoking Man — William B. Davies — who’s now seriously older, and damaged by his life.

But STILL plotting on behalf of the Syndicate he’d been a member of.

Mulder and Scully separately find out that the world is due to be hit by and outbreak of Anthrax: one that the Syndicate has been years guaranteeing will work.

A plague Scully — aided by Agents Einstein and Miller — hopes to stem, or cure, using vaccine made from her stem cells.

Which, as the three realise?

Won’t work for Agent Mulder: as there’s too little vaccine for someone of his size.

They need to find Mulder and Scully’s long lost son, William.

It’s only THEN … ?

That a giant triangular UFO turns up …

And credits roll …


Now … Good … ?

Are we talking about episode six … ?

Or the rebooted series as a whole?

Now, I have to admit, I enjoyed episode six: although it could have gone a little slowly, in order to develop the plot.

As it stands?

It felt just a touched rushed.

Good …

But rushed!

Which possibly applies to the whole darn rebooted series.

All six episode have been VERY well made: and, I think, could easily set up a Rebooted generation of new episode.

I hope so.

I felt the original first series of Twin Peaks benefitted from being a relatively short run of eight episode: and suffered from a longer second series.

The X-Files, on the other hand?

I personally felt this six episode season of the series was very well done: but could well have been longer.

Giving its new generation of characters, and the new elements of plot and story elements, time to develop.

It’s not all bad.

I’ll admit, I found tonight’s cliff hanger ending — a desperately ill male lead, a seriously threatened female one — left me wanting more.

I don’t think the series could support a twenty odd episode season eleven.

But, in the manner of Dr Who, The Strain, House of Cards, Game of Thrones and others?

Sets up a new version of the series — with 10 to 13 episodes a time — perfectly well.

I think that would be a great way of telling another season of tales: with the right mix of Monster of the Week and arc stories, AND stitching up this cliffhanger!

Season 10 of The X-Files is a good intro for a new series of the show.

Here’s hoping the makers finance an eleventh season.

I’d like to see it.

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