
Wednesday 6 April 2016

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 6-4-2016: At Waterloo,

Oh, now, I hate having to do that.

Phone in ill, to work.

Right at the moment?

My guts are seriously acting up.

Which is WHY I’ve phoned in ill.

It’s not something I like doing: however bad I feel, I hate letting the side down.


At any rate, you’re not here to hear me whinging about my stomach.


You’re here because it’s a Wednesday: and therefore time for the Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser.

Here’s this week’s ABBA themed set, covered by the usual Creative Commons License* … 
Q1) 6th April saw ABBA win Eurovision.   In which year of the 1970s?
Q2) Where were the band from: Norway, Sweden or Denmark?
Q3) Where was the contest held, that year: Brighton, Bristol or Birmingham?
Q4) The band’s name was an acronym: with each letter representing one of the members.   Name one of the members.
Q5) The band’s winning song was called Waterloo.   The song takes its name from the Battle of … where … ?
Q6) The song also featured on ABBA’s second album.   What was that LP called: Ring Ring, Waterloo or ABBA’?
Q7) The song, itself, reached which number in the UK Charts?
Q8) The band’s next UK Top Forty hit — I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do — got to where: 37, 38 or 39?
Q9) There’s been a musical — both on stage and on film — named after one ABBA song.   Which ABBA song?
Q10) Finally … what was the name of ABBA’s last UK number one?
Here’s last week’s Eric Clapton themed questions and answers …
Q1) 30th March, 1945, saw the birth of singer/songwriter, and guitar god, Eric Clapton.   In which English county: Essex, Sussex or Surrey?
Q2) What was the name of the first band Clapton joined: The Yardbirds, the Caged Hens or the Jimi Hendrix Experience?
Q3) Clapton left that first band to join a noted blues band.   Which blues band: the Rolling Stones, John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers or the Band?
Q4) He left his first band, after they had their first hit.   What was it: Pictures of Lily, For Your Love or Crossroads?
Q5) When he left his first band, Clapton was replaced by whom: Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck or Keith Richards?
Q6) Eric earned the nickname, God, after a fan spray-painted the phrase ‘Clapton is God,’ outside which London station: Islington, Tottenham Court Road or Elephant and Castle?
Q7) Clapton went on to join the band, Cream.   Name either of the other two members.
Q8) One of Clapton’s best known songs — Layla — was recorded with Derek and the Dominoes.   The song all about Clapton’s love affair with Patti Boyd: the wife of which Beatle?
Q9) Clapton’s most colourful guitar is called The Fool: and known for its psychedelic paint job.   It’s what model of guitar: a Fender Stratocaster, a Gibson SG or a Martin Dreadnought?
Q10) Finally … Clapton has repeatedly said one blues musician has been his biggest influence.   Which blues musician: BB King, Hubert Sumlin or Robert Johnson?
A1) Surrey.
A2) The Yardbirds.
A3) John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers.
A4) For You Love.   (Pictures of Lily was a hit for The Who: Crossroads was a hit for Cream)
A5) Jeff Beck.   (Page, Beck and Clapton never played together in The Yardbirds: although they DID do play benefit gigs, together.)
A6) Islington.
A7) Bassist, Jack Bruce and drummer, Ginger Baker.
A8) George Harrison.
A9) A Gibson SG.   He used a Fender Stratocaster in his early days with The Yardbirds: indeed, his favourite current guitar is a Strat called Blackie.   Clapton favours various ooo models made by Martin, when using acoustic guitars: over the larger Dreadnoughts.
A10) Robert Johnson.   Johnson is — arguably — one of the most influential musicians of all times: despite dying in 1938, at the age of 27.   Crossroads, by Cream, and Sweet Home Chicago, by the Blues Brothers, are two of the best known covers of Johnson’s work.   Various versions of Love in Vain, and Hellhound on my Trail are others.   Accounts differ as to how he died: and where he’s buried.
Enjoy them: and the tunes.

Have a good week.

*        In other words, you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated: as would pressing my donate button, here.   Every penny is gratefully received.

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