
Tuesday 24 May 2016

House of Cards — Series 3: Episodes 9 and 10 (Chapters 35 and 36)

Hmmm … 

I’m quietly satisfied, there.

Today is one of my days off: and not one where I’d had anything planned, per se.

But I DID bump into an old friend: in Brentwood Library.

One who was looking to buy a laptop, from the Brentwood branch of CeX.

And who — flatteringly — wanted my advice on which one would be a good buy.

Well, yes, obviously, I told her to get a Mac!

But as she felt that was out of her price bracket?   Went for a HP laptop.   I’ve just installed Ubuntu onto it for her, and been able get a rough idea of the machine’s individual foibles.


The lady concerned will be pleased.


At ANY rate?

At any rate, I know the one thing I DID have planned was catching up with some TV.

Given that there was nothing on terrestrial TV I wanted to catch?

I did what so many of us are doing, these days.

Streamed a series.

In this case … ?

Episodes nine and ten, of series three of House of Cards.

And yes, it IS going down very well.


Episode 9 sees the Jordan Valley erupt in chaos: chaos unhelped by a mortar blast destroying a small group of Russian forces.

And only worsened by a US special forces team.

The film of the op?   Has been leaked to the Israelis.

Who AREN’T happy.

Episode 10 sees President Underwood in a something of a situation: as the Israeli no-fly zone means trouble.

Whilst Claire tries to negotiate peace — or, a ceasefire, at least — between Israelis and Palestinians, Frank decides to violate the no-fly zone.

Something ALSO being done by President Viktor Petrov (Lars Mikkelsen).   It’s the only way the two can meet to discuss terms: in the middle of the no-fly zone, in the Jordan Valley.

That’s not the worst of the situation.

The worst is Petrov’s price for Russian troops being pulled out of the region.

He wants Claire to step down as UN Ambassador … 


Now … 

Going down well … ?


I personally, am finding House of Cards’s third series as digestible as its predecessors.

Although I’ve built up the impression that some people have taken against it.

I think I can understand that.

Part of the appeal of the series — both in its original UK incarnation, AND in the Netflix reboot — is the way its lead character breaks the fourth wall: and addresses us, directly.

Explaining plot points, commenting on characters motivations and backgrounds.

This series, those comments seem slightly less well thought out: although, otherwise?   The series is, in my view, as good as ever.


Roll on the next chance to see some.

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