
Monday 2 May 2016

The Daily Teaser — 2-5-2016

Did any one see the snooker, last night … ?

Anyone … ?

No … ?

I’ve got to admit to being something of an armchair fab of the sport.   I’ll watch it if I get the chance: and TEND to prioritise it, up against a lot of other things.

Especially if there’s a big final on.

Right at the moment?   The World Championship’s on: as I write, Mark Selby is ahead, over night, with a two frame lead against Ding Junhui.

I came home, last night, to catch the fifteenth frame.

Which, at sixty-six minutes?

Was one of the most nail biting hours worth of TV I think I’ve seen in a long time!

The fact that, this morning, the man who created BitCoin has outed himself pales into insignificance … 


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Anne Boleyn was arrested, on 2nd May, 1536: on charges of witchcraft, treason and incest.   Who was she married to?
Q2) Tennessee Williams won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama: on 2nd May, 1955.   For which play?
Q3) 2nd May, 1982, saw the sinking of the ARA General Belgrano: by the HMS Conqueror.   The ship’s sinking was controversial: as there has been arguments about whether it was in international … what?
Q4) 2nd May, 2012, saw a painting sold at auction.   The painting was a version of which Edvard Munch piece?
Q5) Finally … 2nd May, 1890, saw the birth of science fiction writer, E. E. ‘Doc’ Smith.   He’s also known as the Father of what: hard sci-fi, space opera or counterfactual novels?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st May marks the traditional May Day holiday.   In parts of The UK, celebrations will involve crowning a May … what?
A1) Queen.   She usually leads the May Day parades.
Q2) It’s also traditional to dance around a Maypole on May Day.   The pole is said to be a phallic symbol by some.   By other’s, it’s said to symbolize a sacred … what?
A2) Tree.
Q3) Where would you be if you were celebrating Vappu, on May Day?
A3) Finland.
Q4) May Day, 1840, saw the initial release of Britain’s Penny Black stamp: one of the first modern postage stamps.   Which monarch’s head was featured on it?
A4) Queen Victoria’s.
Q5) May Day, 2011, saw President Obama announce that whom had been killed by US special Forces?
A5) Osama bin Laden.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“Don’t take too seriously all that the neighbors say. Don’t be overawed by what the experts say. Don’t be afraid to trust your own common sense.”
Dr Benjamin Spock, May 2, 1903 – March 15, 1998.
And this tune … 

Enjoy the day … !

*        It’s also nice to know I’ve put up a question that’s a bit of a gamble, Debbi†!   And I’ll be looking out for that post.   Once I’ve had lunch with Jude and Ruth, written more teasers, looked at writing for a website, kept my eyes on the final … … … And to think, I’ve got time off … !

†        I know snooker’s not a BIG game in the States, Debbi, … but BOY … that fifteenth frame, last night, was … nail biting … … !


  1. Q1) Henry the VIII
    Q2) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (I always think of the movie with Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor. They were both gorgeous)
    Q3) Waters (it seems there was a fair amount of discussion around exclusion zones).
    Q4) The Scream
    Q5) Space opera
    I've never been into snooker although I've found myself right in the middle of the championships in Sheffield quite a few times (as the other theatre, the Lyceum, is right by the Crucible). I've been to the Crucible often but to watch plays...
    We must add my birthday to the 2nd of May in Wikipedia...

  2. I can appreciate the suspense of watching a good game of any sort. Snooker is interesting. Reminds me of billiards. :)

    1. Henry VIII
    2. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
    3. waters
    4. The Scream
    5. space opera

    Hope you'll check out that post. I threw in a few funny bits.:)


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