
Thursday 26 May 2016

The Daily Teaser — 26-5-2016

Well … 

I’m officially back to work, today.

But … ?

I mentioned, yesterday, I was installing a Version of Ubuntu, onto a friend’s new — but second hand — laptop?

Well … 

The installation went well: and the laptop … ?

Is now in the hands of a satisfied owner.

Here’s hoping it’s handy!


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring six out of six in the process.

Let’s see how every does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, alone with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 26th May, 1868, saw the execution of Michael Barrett: at the last public hanging in the UK.   His execution was because of his involvement with an explosion in Clerkenwell, in London.   Carried out, by he, and members of what: the Freemasons, the Tooting Popular Front or the Fenians?
Q2) 26th May, 1896 saw the coronation of Nicholas 2nd: as Tsar of all the Russias.   He was the last Tsar: as last Tsar of which dynasty?
Q3) 26th May, 1906, saw the opening of Vauxhall Bridge.   The bridge goes across which river?
Q4) Willandra National Park was formally set up: on 26th May, 1972.   The park is in which country?
Q5) Finally … 26th May, 1950, saw what end, in the UK: fuel rationing, banana rationing or tea rationing?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th May is marked by many as Geek Pride Day: marking the day, in 1977, that saw the original US release of which science fiction movie?
A1) Star Wars.
Q2) The 25th May is ALSO Towel Day: marking the work of which author?
Q3) 25th May, 1939, saw the birth of actor, Sir Ian McKellen.   Which character does in play in the X-Men movies?
A3) Magneto.
Q4) More to the point, Sir Ian played which J. R. R. Tolkien character?
A4) Gandalf.
Q5) Actor, Cillian Murphy, was born on 26th May, 1976.   In which Johnny Depp film does he play FBI agent, Donald Buchanan?
Q6) Finally … Which Terry Pratchett Discworld novel is set on and around the 25th May?
A6) Night Watch.   (One of the street’s of Ankh Morpork that’s mentioned in the book, is Treacle Mine Road: a reference to Lancashire’s historic Treacle Mines …)
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“If I had known this, I would’ve put that patch on thirty-five years earlier.”
John Wayne, May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979.
And this tune … 

Have a good day!

*        I’ve known about it for a while, Debbi!   Amazes me, what you can find out, I know that!   (Oh, Night Watch is — along with Thud and Nation — one of Sir Terry’s best books.   WELL worth reading, I always think.)


  1. Q1) The Fenians
    Q2) Romanov
    Q3) Thames
    Q4) Australia
    Q5) Fuel

  2. I'm taking notes! Thanks for the suggestions, as always! :)

    1. the Fenians
    2. Romanov
    3. the Thames
    4. Australia (Australia, Australia, we love you ... amen! :)) (sorry, couldn't resist)
    5. fuel rationing


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