
Wednesday, 15 June 2016

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 15-6-2016

You know, I‘ve on a day off, at the mo.

But frankly?

And despite not needing to go out?

Frankly, I’m getting a touch of cabin fever: AND need to get a new mouse mat!

With that said … ?

Let’s get a move on … 


Here’s this week’s Weekly Teaser: covered by the usual Creative Commons License* …
Q1) 15th Jun, 1215, saw the signing of the ‘Magna Carta’: by which English king?
Q2) The ‘Magna Carta’ was signed in Runnymeade: a meadow in which English County?
Q3) The king would have used a seal to make the ‘Magna Carta’ official: what was the one he used called?
Q4) The inscription on the seal described the king as King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine … and Count of where?
Q5) What language was the ‘Magna Carta’ written in: English, French or Latin?
Q6) How many Barons were party to the ‘Magna Carta’?
Q7) What’s the Magna Carta’s full name?
Q8) More to the point, how does that name translate into English?
Q9) How many copies were made of the ‘Magna Carta’?
Q10) Finally … Of the surviving copies, two are the British Library, with another in Lincoln Cathedral.   The last is in which cathedral?
Here’s last week’s questions and answers …
Q1) 8th June is World Oceans Day.   The word, ‘ocean’ comes from which ancient language: Ancient Egyptian, Latin or Ancient Greek?
Q2) Ocean are usually made from saline water.   In other words, water with lots of what: salts, sugars or starches?
Q3) Earth’s global ocean covers roughly how much of the globe: 60%, 70% or 80%?
Q4) According to Wikipedia, there’s five oceans on Earth.   Name one of them.
Q5) What’s the largest of Earth’s oceans?
Q6) Although we use the words interchangeably, a sea is usually different from an ocean: in that it’s partly or largely surrounded by what?
Q7) The study of seas and oceans is called what?
Q8) Oceans and seas rise and fall: as a result of the pull of gravity from the Moon and Sun.   This motion is called what?
Q9) Which Titan was the ancient Greek god of the Sea?
Q10) Earth’s oceans are supposed to have been created how long ago: 4500 million years ago, 3500 million years ago or 2500 million years ago?
A1) Ancient Greek.
A2) Salts.
A3) 70%.
A4) The Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, Pacific and Southern oceans.
A5) The Pacific Ocean.
A6) Land.
A7) Oceanography.
A8) Tides.
A9) Oceanus.   (Poseidon was the Olympian God of the Sea.   They were — if I’ve understood it correctly — different generations of Greek God.)
A10) 4500 million years ago: in what’s called the Hadean Eon.
Enjoy them.

*        The license means you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — or to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated: as would pressing my donate button, here.   Every penny is gratefully received.

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