
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6-7-2016

Well, that seemed to go well.

I’m not necessarily happy at work: and decided to a little job-hunting.

I managed to bag an interview, yesterday: at a local takeaway pizza place.

It seemed to go well.

Frankly?   They always do.

But I’ll know for sure … 

If they phone up and offer me the job!

We’ll see what happens, shall we?


Oh, I almost forgot to mention … I’ve been reading short story collection,Press Start To Play: a collection.

One reason I bought it?   You’ve possibly realised I’m a fan of the late Sir Terry Pratchett.

His daughter, Rhianna?   Has an entry in the book: called Creation Screen.

Which I finally managed to finish, a couple of nights ago.

Hmmm … 

It’s a little dryer than I expected: and there’s other short stories in the collection that grabbed me, sooner.

But … ?

I liked it.   I know Ms Pratchett has her own career — her work as a video games journalist, and games story developer is well known and respected — but I think I’d like to see more work with the name Rhianna Pratchett on it.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring four out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Richard 3rd was crowned as King of England: on 6th July, 1483.   His remains were found, in a Leicester car-park: in which year?
Q2) The first transatlantic crossing by an airship was completed by the R34: on 6th July, 1919.   Which country’s air-force was the ship part of: the USA’s, the UK’s or Canada’s?
Q3) The USA’s oldest published weekly magazine was first released on 6th July, 1865.   What’s it called?
Q4) The Piper Alpha oil rig burst into flames: at approximately 22:30, on 6th July, 1988.   The rig was in which sea?
Q5) Finally … 6th July, 1937, saw the start of the Battle of Brunete: during which country’s Civil War?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) The first African American to win the Men’s Wimbledon tournament did so: on 5th July, 1975.   Who was that winner?
Q2) The BBC aired its first TV news bulletin: on 5th July of which year of the 1950s?
A2) 1954.
Q3) Conservationists began rescue attempts, in South Africa: on 5th July, 2000.   They were rescuing over 18000 what: penguins, ostriches or emus?
A3) Penguins.
Q4) Armenia adopted its constitution: on 5th July, 1995.   The republic had only become independent, four years, earlier: from where?
A4) The Soviet Union, or USSR.
Q5) Finally … Algeria became independent from France: on 5th July, 1962.   It’s on the Mediterranean coast of where: North Africa or Southern Europe.
I’ll leave you with thought …
“If it’s sent by ship then it’s a cargo, if it’s sent by road then it’s a shipment.”

Dave Allen, 6 July 1936 – 10 March 2005.
And this tune … 

Have a good day … 

*        You are, Debbi?   Can’t THINK where you’re doing them … ! :D   (At ANY rate, about yesterday’s first question … ?   Sorry about the point, but Althea Gibson didn’t win the Men’s Singles …)


  1. Q1) 2012
    Q2) The UK´s
    Q3) The Nation
    Q4) The North Sea
    Q5) Spain
    Fingers crossed that you get the call. :)

  2. Oops! Helps to read the freaking question, huh? :)

    1. 2012
    2. the UK
    3. The Nation
    4. the North Sea
    5. Spain


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