
Saturday 17 September 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-9-2016

Right … 

I’m actually up, later than I have been, just recently.

But then … ?

I think I needed the sleep!

Stress, eh … ?

At any rate?

The two interviews I’ve had this week, haven’t contacted me.   I’m assuming that means I’ve bagged neither job.

Which is disappointing.

What make’s it worse?   Is simply not hearing.

At ANY rate?

I’ve two more interviews, this week.   One on Tuesday.   And one today, at four: in Billericay.

I hope they go well.

And hope they tell me whether I’ve got the blessed thing … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.   The day also Olga† leaving us a message on yesterday’s Friday Question Set.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The US Constitution was signed: on 17th September, 1787.   In which US city?
Q2) The Camp David Accords were signed: on 17th September, 1978.   The Accords were signed by two countries.   Name either one of the two countries.
Q3) More to the point, Camp David is the country retreat … of whom?
Q4) Both North and South Korea joined the United Nations on 17th September.   Of which year?
Q5) The Linux kernel — the core of Linux — was released on 17th September, 1991.   Its designer, Linus Torvalds, is from which European country?
Q6) Finally … A noted protest movement started in Zurcotti Park: on 17th September, 2011.   It was known as Occupy … where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th September, 1968, saw Britain’s Post Office introduce its First and Second Class stamps.   At the time, how much did they charge for a 1st class stamp?
A1) 5d.   (In pre-decimal UK money.   It’s roughly — very roughly — equivalent to 4½p, today.)
Q2) Crime boss, Paolo Di Lauro, was arrested: on 16th September, 2005.   In a north-eastern suburb of which Italian city?
A2) Naples.   (Technically, he was a member of the Camorra: the Neapolitan version of the Mafia.)
Q3) Anne Francis was born on 16th September, 1930.   In which science fiction film does she play Altaira?
Q4) Marc Bolan died in a car crash: on 16th September, 1977.   What — in 1965 — was the name of his debut single?
A4) The Wizard.
Q5) Finally … 16th September, 1914, saw the birth of producer/director, Allen Funt.   Famously, he presented which TV show?
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“If God had meant for us to walk, why did he give us feet that fit car pedals?”
Sir Stirling Moss, born 17th September 1929.
And this song … 

Have a nice day … 

*        Well, I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten better, Debbi!   At ANY rate … ?   How are you finding The Colour of Magic … ?   (Oh, it’s a sort of greeny-yellowy-purply colour … )

†        Blimey, a four hour short meeting?   I’m not surprised you got held up, Olga!   I just hope they supplied a halfway decent coffee!   And thank you: I just hope today’s interview goes well.   Or, at least, tells me what’s happening!


  1. Q1) Philadelphia
    Q2) Israel and Egypt
    Q3) The President of the United States
    Q4) 1991
    Q5) Finland
    Q6) Wall Street
    I hope they tell you something soon. There's nothing more frustrating than waiting and not being able to make any plans. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  2. I'm loving the book. As I always do Sir Terry's work! :)

    1. Philadelphia
    2. Israel and Egypt
    3. the President of the U.S.
    4. 1991
    5. Finland
    6. Wall Street


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