
Sunday 16 October 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-10-2016: World Food Day

Oh, but that’s something … 

I’ve had a good night’s sleep … after watching a movie.

Which sounds … less trivial than it actually was … 

But … ?

Well, frankly, I’ve been meaning to catch Deadpool for some time.

Can I make a confession … ?

I was in a bit of a grumpy mood, last night.


With its fourth wall breaking, wide-cracking main character?

Was a very good remedy for that.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw newcomer, Robin*, and regular, Olga†, putting in their answers: with Robin scoring four out of ten, and Olga bagging ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s themed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 16th October is World Food: first celebrated in which year of the 1980s?
Q2) The Day was created by the UN’s FAO.   The FAO is the Food and Agriculture … what?
Q3) Agriculture, in this case, covers the growing of food plants: and food what?
Q4) Maize, rice and wheat are edible what: beans, cereals or fruits?
Q5) As of 2009, and according to Wikipedia, which country’s citizens eat the most meat?
Q6) Humanity can sense five different tastes: sweetness, sourness, saltiness and bitterness are four of them.   What’s the fifth?
Q7) Halal food is Islamic food.   Kosher food is Jewish.   Both religions ban eating which meat?
Q8) If you’re a vegetarian that tries to avoid eating any animal product, you’re what V?
Q9) Which staple food has the scientific name, Solanum tuberosum?
Q10) Finally … Yeast, flour, water: are the three main ingredients of which food?   (Food, rather than drink: ‘Beer’ is not the answer …)
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th October saw the UK carry out its second nuclear bomb test: in which year of the 1950s?
A1) 1953.
Q2) The tests were carried out in a remote part of Australia.   Called what: Emu Field, Koala Meadow or Wombat Hill?
A2) Emu Field.
Q3) The government name for the tests was Operation what: Toboggan, Totem or Tomahawk?
A3) Operation Totem.
Q4) These Australian tests were so the government could see how much fissionable metal to use in a bomb.   Which metal: plutonium, uranium or curium?
A4) Plutonium.   Plutonium 240, to be precise.   (It’s usually written as ₂₄₀Pu.)
Q5) The metal concerned was named after what: a cartoon dog, a planet or a scientist?
A5) A planet.   Pluto, if you hadn’t guessed.
Q6) The metal was produced at what was then Britain’s best known nuclear reactor: Windscale.   Windscale is now a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant called what?
Q7) Britain’s first nuclear test were in Australia.   This was called Operation what: Hurricane, Tornado or Storm?
A7) Operation Hurricane.
Q8) Materials used in nuclear bombs are fissile: the reaction at the heart of the bombs involves splitting an atom.   The opposite type of reaction is what: nuclear fusion, nuclear fuses or nuclear flailing?
A8) Nuclear fusion.   (It’s the reaction that powers stars.)
Q9) Britain is one of five states allowed nuclear weapons: under the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.   Name one of the other four.
A9) The USA, China, France and the Soviet Union/Russian Federation.
Q10) Finally … Three nations have tested nuclear weapons since the signing of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.   Name one of them.
A10) India, Pakistan and North Korea.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.”
Mahatma Gandhi.
And these songs … 

Have a good day.

*        Welcome aboard, Robin, I hope you enjoyed the #Teaser … !  And yes, Britain’s got the bomb: although I think, under the various treaties, Britain’s nuclear weapons are under the command of US military forces.   Not something I like, but there we go.   What gets me angry, and has kept me angry?   Is the fact Britain’s satellite launching programme was cancelled in 1971.   Short-sighted is NOT the word.

†        That I did, Olga!   I managed to catch Deadpool, as well!   I know it’s not up everyone’s street … but the film’s very funny … !   (Oh, I’m listening to Radio 4’s Broadcasting House.   Seems the show’s been getting comments about the exact English pronunciation of ‘chorizo.’   I think it’s to go on for weeks … !)

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