
Tuesday 18 October 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-10-2016

Well, blimey … !

There’s a thing!

As you know, I’ve recently started a new job.

At a call centre over in Chelmsford.

It’s the past few days?

I’ve been in training: so that I can handles those calls, myself.

Last night … ?

Saw me handling my first call.

Which — going by the co-worker I’d been buddied up with, last night — I’d handled rather well.

Hopefully?   That’s a good sign.


I have to admit, though?   I was really nervous handling those calls.

But one thing that — sort of — put a smile on my face?   Was the PC I and my partner were using, crashing.

Turns out one of us had kicked the thing: which meant both the power cord, and mouse had been disconnected.

And also meant I spent about five minutes on my hands and knees, reconnecting everything.

Well … 

It got a cheap laugh, if nothing else.

Now … what am I always saying about getting a Mac … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser was quiet: with no-one putting in their answers.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Treaty of Campo Formio was signed: on 18th October, 1797.   The Treaty was a peace treaty between the monarchy of Austria: and which country?
Q2) Erich Honeker was forced to step down: on 18th October, 1989.   As leader or where: West Germany, East Germany or Austria?
Q3) 18th October, 1804, saw the birth of King Mongkut of Thailand.   Which 1956 Yul Brynner film, is based on a period in Mongkut’s reign?
Q4) Dagobert 1st was was crowned: on 18th October, 629 AD.   As king of the whom: Franks, Romans or Britons?
Q5) Finally … 18th October, 1976, saw the funeral of Carlo Gambino.   Gambino was possibly one of the most powerful leaders of the US what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Tottenham Court Road was flooded: on 17th October, 1814.   By approximately 323000 imperial gallons of what?
A1) Beer.
Q2) More to the point, how many pints are there, in an imperial gallon?
A2) 8.
Q3) A high speed train crashed, in Hatfield: on 17th October, 2000.   The crash happened when the crash … what: derailed, hit an on-coming bird, or suffered a power failure?
A3) Derailed.
Q4) 17th October, 1914, saw the birth of comic book writer, Jerry Siegel.   Which incredibly super hero did he co-create, with Joe Shuster?
A4) Superman.
Q5) Finally … Which gangster was charged convicted of Tax Evasion: on 17th October, 1931?
A5) Al Capone.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is committed.”
Martina Navratilova, born October 18, 1956.
And this song … 

Enjoy your day … 


  1. Q1) France
    Q2) East Germany
    Q3) The King and I (I love the musical and it became a part he’d play often)
    Q4) The Franks
    Q5) American Mafia
    Good about your job (I'm afraid the made doesn't protect from people kicking leads, only going wireless and that comes with so many other problems...). Love Martina's quote!

  2. Back from Austin! We had a great time! :)

    1. France
    2. East Germany
    3. The King and I
    4. Franks
    5. Mafia

    I remember those Mac vs. PC ads. Back in days before I went for a Mac!


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