
Tuesday 25 October 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-10-2016: The Battle

Phew … 

A day off!

And a day off … with a little spending cash.

I’m just thinking … 

Should I shop … ?

Or get a haircut?

On the whole, I think the shopping’s the big thing.

I like to eat!


God GOD … 

I’ve just noticed something floating across my social media feeds.

Pete Burns, former lead singer of Dead or Alive, has died: of a massive heart attack.

Back in the day?   He band the band did some great pop tunes.

Sad day, that … !

But let’s move on …

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s themed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Henry 5th of England, led his troops in a famous battle: on 25th October, 1415.   The Battle was the Battle of where?
Q2) The area the battle took place in, is in Northern where: France, Germany or Spain?
Q3) The Battle took place on Saint whose day: Saint Crispin’s, Saint Denis’s or Saint Edward’s?
Q4) The saint — and his twin brother — are the patron saints of whom: weavers, tanners or saddle makers?
Q5) Henry’s army were quite small: but had a lot of archers.   Armed with the English what: crossbow, longbow or compound bow?
Q6) Henry was leading an English army.   His opponents were what: German, Belgian or French?
Q7) The Battle took place during which war: the Thirty Years War, the Second World War or the Hundred Years War?
Q8) Charles d’Albret led the opposition forces.   What was his title: Butler, Constable or Chancellor?
Q9) The rude version of which gesture is said to date back to the Battle?
Q10) Finally?   Shakespeare’s play about Henry 5th was written when: 1597, 1598 or 1599?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Which famous, French cathedral was dedicated: on 24th October, 1260?
A1) Chartres.
Q2) Whose last performance was on 24th October, 1926: Buster Keaton’s, Elvis Presley’s or Harry Houdini’s?
A2) Harry Houdini’s.
Q3) Ariel and Umbriel were discovered: on 24th October, 1851.   The pair are moons of where?
A3) Uranus.
Q4) Many stock markets crashed: on 24th October, 2008.   The Day’s known as Bloody … what?
Q5) Finally … Roman Emperor, Domitian, was born: on 24th October, 51AD.   Which dynasty was he a member of?
I’ll leave you with possibly the only quote I could use …
“This story shall the good man teach his son;

And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remembered-

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.”
Henry V, Act IV Scene iii 18–67. Written by William Shakespeare.
And this video … 

Have a good day.

And light a candle for Saint Crispin …

*        Always nice to know there’s someone, Debbi!   That’s a thought, Debbi, did you see Independence Day?   The science fiction film?   I keep wondering where the writers got THIS bit … #Henry5th … !?


  1. Q1) Agincourt
    Q2) France
    Q3) Saint Crispin
    Q4) Tanners
    Q5) Longbow
    Q6) French
    Q7) the Hundred Years War
    Q8) Constable
    Q9) The V sign
    Q10) 1599

  2. Never saw it. I'll need to check out the video!

    BTW, saw Dirk Gently last night. It was AWESOME!!

    1. Agincourt
    2. France
    3. Saint Crispin's
    4. tanners
    5. longbow
    6. French
    7. the Hundred Years War
    8. Constable
    9. the V-sign
    10. 1599


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