
Wednesday 9 November 2016

Class: Series 1 — Episode 4 - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart

9th November, 2016

You know … 

I was hoping to catch some quality time with a friend, this evening: with maybe a movie.

I didn’t, eventually.

Well … 

I didn’t catch the movie: let’s put it that way.

I did manage to catch the quality time.

So that’s all good.

Something else I managed to catch?

Something else I managed to catch is this week’s episode of BBC 3’s latest Class.

And, frankly?

I’m thinking class is what it’s showing.


Episode 4Co-owner of a Lonely Heart — gives us a recap of the series so far: and reminds us that April (Sophie Hopkins) share her heart with Corakinus, the villainous Shadowkin king.

As a result?

She’s suffering with increasingly strange patterns of behaviour.

Including losing her temper when her estranged father shows up.

Losing her temper … and seeing large alien scimitars grow  out of her hands, when she does.

The only thing helping her deal with this … ?   Is new boyfriend, Ram (Fady Elfayed).

Meanwhile?   Meanwhile, Ms Quill (Katherine Kelly) has meet Ms Ames (Pooky Quesnel) have met for the first time.

Ms Ames is filling Ms Quill in on a series of strange petals that are starting to show up …

Show up … 

Drink blood …

And attack squirrels.

You can tell Class is going to be on-going, can’t you?

The BIG clue is what April does, at the climax of the episode … 


Now … 

About Class, showing class?

I feel it does, actually.

OK, the show’s only in it’s first series: one has a right to expect a certain amount of clunkiness.

And there’s a bit more sex going on, than the first series of Torchwood.   (Captain Jack would POSSIBLY be raising a disapproving eyebrow.)


I believe that — so far — the show’s acting, production and writing are far from clunky: are pretty good, in fact.

I also think show runner, Patrick Ness, has managed to pick something up from his young adult novels.

Simply that there’s a story arc going through this first series of Class: with minor threads showing in each episode: in a much less heavy handed way than in Russell T. Davies era of Dr Who.

That’s actually something I’ve missed the early days of Dr Who.

Ands something I welcome about Class.


That’s something I can live with.

And only adds to its watchability … 


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  2. I DO know I’ve been talking — to others in a Facebook group I belong to — about the series.

    The consensus — from some — is that the show’s current viewing figures won’t see BBC 3 making a second series.

    Personally … ?

    Personally, I think that’s doing a good series down.

    My personal belief?

    Is that BBC3’s prior existence — as a terrestrial digital channel— is a bad precedent for any show now being broadcast on the channel.

    And that a better model is that of Netflix: whose online TV series are doing very well.

    I think that — right now — the BBC should air the series on BBC3, and in the various foreign markets.

    Before airing it on BBC2 or BBC1.


    We’re in a new era of TV. One that will see online stations become more and more important.

    I think the BBC has a responsibility to have a stake in that online market.

    And that Class — and shows like it — will give it that stake.


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