
Wednesday 30 November 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-11-2016: Saint Andrew’s Day

I have a day off … !

Yay … !

Which frankly means I’m going to be ironing … 

Then ironing some more … 

And possibly … ?   Doing some ironing!

The fact I have to get some videos done, and want to try and catch the most recent episode of Class?

Possibly has nothing to do with it … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 30th November is the feast day of Saint Andrew: patron saint of Scotland.   He’s ALSO patron saint of which Filipino city?
Q2) Some of Saint Andrew’s relics are kept in Saint Mary’s Roman Catholic Cathedral.   That cathedral’s in which Scottish city?
Q3) That city is the famous host of the Fringe Festival: which usually occurs in which month?
Q4) That city is Scotland’s second largest by population.   What — again, by population — is Scotland’s largest city?
Q5) Technically?   The Queen is Queen Elizabeth the what of Scotland: 1st, 2nd or 3rd?
Q6) Scotland’s third largest city by population is Aberdeen.   It’s also known as what: the Concrete Jungle, the Granite City or Marble Town?
Q7) One of Scotland’s best know products is an alcoholic spirit.   What’s the correct — Scottish — spelling of that drink’s name: whisky, whiskey or wisky?
Q8) That drink is traditionally measured in Drams.   A dram is one sixteenth of a what: an ounce, gram or ton?
Q9) The SRT is the Scottish Register of what?
Q10) Finally … the high tech part of Scotland’s economy is called Silicon what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) The Papal Conclave of 1549 started: on 29th November, 1549.   By 1550, it had elected which Pope: Julius 3rd, Sixtus 9th or Jeremy 12th?
A1) Julius.
Q2) The November Uprising started: on 29th November, 1830.   The uprising was against Russian rule … of where?
A2) Poland.
Q3) Five people were killed by a gas explosion: on 29th November, 1985.   In which Scottish city?
A3) Glasgow.
Q4) 29th November, 1885, saw the end of the third war: between Britain, and where?
A4) Burma.
Q5) The UN gave observer status to where, on 29th November, 2012: Palestine, Vatican City or the African Union?
A5) Palestine.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind.”

Winston Churchill.
And this tune … 

Enjoy Saint Andrew’s Day.

*        Actually, Debbi, the health’s looking … well, not perfect: I’ve STILL got a hernia, and need to lose serious weight, before they operate.   But?   It seems the IBS was being aggravated by working at KFC.   Boy, I’m glad that’s over!   (Tired, Debbi?   Have you been sleeping, OK … ?)


  1. Q1) Parañaque
    Q2) Edinburgh
    Q3) August
    Q4) Glasgow
    Q5) 1st
    Q6) The Granite City
    Q7) whisky
    Q8) A fluid ounce
    Q9) Tartans
    Q10) Glen
    Sorry, these days I don't seem to be able to get organised. Good news about IBS anyway. I was suspicious of the food at work but...

  2. I sleep okay. It's the waking up and doing things that tires me out. :)

    The dystonia doesn't help. *sigh*

    1. Malta
    2. Edinburgh
    3. August
    4. Glasgow
    5. 2nd
    6. the Granite City
    7. whisky
    8. an ounce
    9. Tartans
    10. Glen


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