
Tuesday 27 December 2016

Merlin; Goblin’s Gold: One for the Funnies Fans

Hmmmm …

I think I must be getting old … !!

Because Episode 3 of this series of MerlinGoblin’s Gold — wasn’t quite to my taste, tonight, I’ve got to be honest.

I think the older I get, the more I enjoy the darker episodes of cult TV: Genesis of the Daleks is a good example of the sort of story-lines I mean, as were some of the Dominion War episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

That’s not to say comedic episodes don’t have a place, though.

Episodes like Goblin’s Gold, for example.

Goblin’s Gold sees Merlin — Colin Morgan — accidentally release a goblin whilst searching through Camelot’s library.

And having, as a result, to deal with the simple fact that the little beastie is not only gold obsessed, but has a sense of humour that wouldn’t be out of place in an episode of The Young Ones.

Actually, bar the English accent, I think it’d not be out of place hanging around with a certain bunch of pictsies

And to top THAT off … ?

As part of Merlin and Gaius’ initial attempts at catching it … ?

It goes and possesses Gaius.

With some entertaining results, actually, especially if you can remember THAT scene in The BFG


Actually, it gives Richard Wilson a perfect excuse to over-do the ham, I know that … !

And on top of that, I’ve got to admit I very much doubt that BBC Wales will do a Three Doctors style story. But I can’t be the only person who think’s Wilson would be a good replacement for a certainly Mr Hartnell … ?

I can’t be, surely … ?


But on a more serious note … ?

Or as serious as I can be … ?

Especially after THAT scene in the throne room … ?

Granted, I was in a funny sort of mood, and one that would’ve preferred less comedy in tonight’s episode of Merlin, and a touch more darkness, to compliment the previous two episodes, I can’t complain too much about the fun tone that Goblin’s Gold took.

It’s also an episode that both threw the spotlight onto Angel Coulby’s Gwen — no bad thing, I felt — and one that didn’t see Merlin visiting the Dragon for help.

Given I’ve a feeling this series is going to be quite dark, all ’round, and build towards a seriously nasty climax.

Having the odd light episode, like Goblin’s Gold? Will only make the on-coming shadows a lot darker …

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