
Wednesday 14 December 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-12-2016

Right … 

I’ve done it!

I’ve officially wrapped everything.

Present wise, that is.

And  I’ve managed to deliver at least least one: the office Secret Santa pressie.

A LOT of Maltesers, and a couple of films — in digital form — on a USB stick.

After all … 

You can’t have too many USB sticks … 


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Angel† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Theresian Military Academy was founded: on 14th December, 1751.   The Academy’s in what’s now which country?
Q2) The unmanned Mariner 2 probe took scans of a planet: as it was flying past on 14th December, 1962.   Which planet?
Q3) Hugh Gaitskill was named as Labour Party Leader: on 14th December, 1955.   Who did he succeed in the post?
Q4) The Millau Viaduct was opened: on 14th December, 2004.   The bridge — the tallest on Earth — is in which country?
Q5) More to the point, which river does it cross?
Q6) Finally … the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations: after invading which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Dartmouth College was founded: on 13th December, 1769.   It’s one of a group of US colleges known as the what league?
A1) Ivy League.
Q2) Abel Tasman reached New Zealand: on 13th December, 1642.   Which part of Australia is named after Abel Tasman?
A2) Tasmania.
Q3) Who was captured in Iraq: on 13th December, 2003?
Q4) 13th December, 1925, saw the birth of Dick Van Dyke.   In which TV show does he play Dr Mark Sloan?
Q5) Finally … 13th December, 1929, saw the birth of Christopher Plummer.   In which film does he quote Shakespeare … in the original Klingon … ?
I’ll leave you with this …
“The highest of distinctions is service to others.”
George 6th, 14 December 1895 – 6 February 1952.
And this … 

Have a nice day … 

*        I always try and get them up nice and early, Olga: at least by nine in the morning.   I don’t always hit the deadline, though, with doesn’t necessarily help … !   (Oh … USB sticks, Olga: handy stocking fillers, plus you can put a copy of a film on them …)

†        Bloody HELL, I’m glad I looked at Twitter, Angel: I almost missed you … !   At ANY rate … ?   I’ve got mine done: all I need to do know, is shove them under the tree … !

‡        They’re actually a lot nicer than they sound, Debbi.   I know Jehovah’s Witnesses won’t eat it, thought: goes along with their beliefs about blood.   Which always struck me as an odd idea, but there you go … !   (Oh, you can’t put them on a USB stick: but a fried breakfast … )


  1. Q1) Austria
    Q2) Venus
    Q3) Clement Attlee
    Q4) France
    Q5) The river Tarn
    Q6) Finland (in 1939)
    I like the idea of the memory sticks...:)

  2. I'll take your word for it! :)

    1. Austria
    2. Venus
    3. Clement Attlee
    4. France
    5. River Tam
    6. Finland


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